Argumentative Essay On Public Education

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To ensure America’s economic competitiveness, boost student achievement, fulfill the promise of equal opportunity, and renew the education delivery system, the United States must transform its archaic approach to financing public education. This proposal explains why and how.
The standards movement, signified by No Child Left Behind, calls on Americans to embrace the challenge of educating all children to high standards by setting goals and holding educators accountable for reaching them. But these steps alone are not sufficient to advance this important agenda. To make progress, and especially to close achievement gaps, we must acknowledge that some students require more educating than others in order to meet the same ambitious standards. Hence they also require more resources.
Education is changing in other ways, too. New forms of schooling are being born, people are becoming far more mobile, and educational options are proliferating, not only within traditional school districts. Though these changes face resistance, the fact is that profound and unstoppable demographic, technological, and social forces will continue to …show more content…

In a tragic paradox, they too often direct less money to schools that serve students who need the most help. Within states, large gulfs separate the best-funded and worst-funded school districts, in ways that favor the more affluent. Whether a child attends a well-funded school or poorly funded school still depends heavily on where he/she lives. Even within school districts, there are often vast disparities between schools—disparities that generally favor schools with savvier leaders and wealthier parents. The latest research shows that these gaps between disparate schools and districts can amount to thousands of dollars per student per year. For youngsters on the caboose of the socio-economic gravy train, we spend tens of thousands of dollars less on their educations than we do on their more advantaged

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