Argumentative Essay On Pro Life

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There is no doubt that abortion leads too mental and in some terms physical damages and possible regret. Many people whom have similar views have formed groups, one group call themselves the pro-life and generally have a secular audience. They argue for the support for human rights and that everyone should have rights, as long as you don’t kill anybody. This begs another question; does abortion kill an innocent human being? Another argument that will women die of unsafe abortions if it is illegal and the women will have no choice but to resort to terminating the unwanted child herself. Laws against murder are based on the 10 commandments and the killing of a child even in utero is considered an abomination, however sometimes in some very difficult …show more content…

There are three group activists who generally have similar ideas; they are pro-life, pro-choice and anti-choice. Pro-choice generally protest that women should always have right to their own body and the government should not be the one whom should make medical recommendations but doctors should, they also believe that it is the women’s choice if she is faced with a medical emergency, if she wants to live without this child or die trying to have it. It should be entirely her decision. Pro-life believe all children should be given a chance to life unless there are damaging complications to both or one of their health. Both pro-life and pro- choice with believe it is not fair or a women to carry a child out of rape, being that no child should be born with that and no mother should be faced with this terrible situation. Other activists that is strongly against abortion call themselves the anti-choice and fundamentally they believe that abortion offends god and that abortion is straight out murder and should be under no exceptions allowed. They are frightened by the idea that abortion may vastly become a new form of

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