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Polygamy negative effects
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Recommended: Polygamy negative effects
Love is an unlimited intense feeling of deep affection. There are several polygamist communities in the United States with daily fear of getting caught. Polygamy is the practice or custom of having more than one wife or husband at the same time. Polygamy has become a major controversial issue, and many Americans argue whether it is just or not. There are many countries, which do not permit polygamy; a person who marries more than one spouse commits bigamy. Most Americans argue that polygamy is morally wrong and should not be legalized however; discrimination against people who chose to do something that has no negative effect on others is unjust. Laws are created to have a positive effect on society and prevent crime, yet polygamy affects neither. Polygamist are fined and can be sentenced to five years in jail. A polygamy relationship overall benefit couples and people that lack of confidence and are insecure. If any group of consenting people wishes to combine trust rights and responsibilities there is no just reason to not permit them.
Polygamy does not harm society. Freedom was derived from our founding founders and people should not base personal opinion on other people's happiness. Everyone has the right to make their own decisions and being married to more than one person is a decision that adults should be able to make. Most polygamist love each other, and if they choose to make the drastic decision to become polygamist it should be clear that they are not taking it as a joke. In the article, “Marry Me. And Me.” Jillian Keenan states, “It’s just what feels healthy, happy, and natural for them… Love, commitment, and family would define “marriage”—not the government.” Polygamy takes courage due to fact that they will be judg...
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...other partner is natural and polyamist should not be judged and discriminated for that. The sole purpose of sex is to reproduce more children. In addition, these children grow up with more attention and care.
From many points, legalizing Polygamy makes sense. To start with, it is not morally wrong, but it is not for everyone. For those who are against it, Polygamy is not obligated. But for many people who love more than one person they should have the right to the pursuit of happiness. The United States of America has separation of church and state, and the government has no right block someone else from doing it either simply because it violates your religious ethics. Polygamy shares equal love between the spouses and helps the children become open minded. Love is an unlimited intense feeling of deep affection and polygamist should be free to love who they want.
So what exactly is the justification and reason for polygamy? Mormons believed that when a couple or family is sealed in the temple of the Lord by one holding God’s priesthood keys of sealing, that the bond is not "until death do us part," but rather for all eternity. If this is true, then when a man is widowed and he marries a second wife, he then has two wives. The Mormons believe that if a man can have multiple wives in heaven, then the same should be true on Earth. "According to the Lord’s law of marriage, it is lawful that a man have only one wife at a time unless by revelation the Lord commands plurality of wives in the new and everlasting covenant" (McConkie5770). If a woman who is sealed in the temple is widowed, she not allowed to be resealed: only a man is allowed a plurality of spouses.
Polygamy is not something many Americans are accustomed to. Western culture teaches that monogamy, as opposed to polygamy, is the proper, accepted form of marriage. Western culture places that morality into it's people, often from youth.
According to the text book the definition of polygamy is “a family system in which one person has more than one spouse, usually one man to multiple women”. In class we talked about how this is illegal and Mrs. Barlow from the article also comment on how she had to hide this part of her life and that doesn’t seem right. It also is weird to me to see someone confess that partook in such a religion, knowing it created ten to do illegal things. We talked about it in class but it wasn’t real in my head until I saw this story. Another connection to class is the topic of women rights and how Mrs. Barlow felt she lost
Beside the social stigmatism to polygamy, monogamy has many benefits for the human race. Although some may argue, as humans, we aren’t exactly designed to be a perfectly monogamist species, it my personal opinion that we have the adept skills to make monogamy work and be a valuable way of life. Of the about 4,000 mammal species on Earth, only a few dozen form lifelong monogamous pair bonds (Jeffries). That equates to approximately 3% of all mammals participating in monogamous activities. Professor Roger Rubin reports in his paper “Alternative Family Lifestyles Revisited …Communes”?, family...
Polygamy is defined as “a marriage that includes more than two partners.” There are different types of polygamy, these include: polygyny, where a man has multiple wives, polyandry, in which a woman has multiple husbands, and group marriage, where a family consists of multiple husbands and wives. Of these different types of polygamy, polygyny is definitely the most popular of the three. In America, the practice of any form of polygamy is illegal and due to this law, many adherents of the lifestyle stay hidden ("What is Polygamy?"). Polygamy became an issue in the United States in the year 1852 when the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, also known as the LDS Church, made it so that plural marriage became a part of its religious doctrine. However, due to the storm of controversy that followed this movement, in 1890 the Mormon Church officially abandoned the practice. The Mormon’s who disagreed with the movement broke away from the Mormon Church and became known as Fundamentalist Mormons. Although the practice was almost unheard of in regions such as the Midwest, Northeast and South, in the Western portion of the United States, polygyny marriage is still prevalent. Those who are found to be practicing the belief are fined and sometimes are forced to split up with the rest of their families. For this reason many remain in the dark about their lifestyle, considering the severity of the consequences ("History of Fundamentalist Mormons"). However, recently many families have come out of hiding and proclaimed to the world that they are a practicing polygamist family, raising the question: is it right for the government to tell people who they can and cannot marry?
...n the legal realm is not enough. To truly make a difference, we must change the status quo; we must shift our own attitudes to become more accepting of alternative ways of conducting intimate relationships. Considering that it does not harm love, it does not harm children, and it does not harm the moral fibre of society, there is no reason why polyamory should not be viewed as a perfectly legitimate lifestyle choice. And in the end, that is what it comes down to: choice. Polyamory represents the ability to choose who to involve yourself with, and who to entrust with your emotional, intellectual, and sexual needs. This is a freedom that can lead to happier, more fulfilling lives, and thus is a freedom that no one has the right to bar. As Trudeau once famously said: “the state has no place in the bedrooms of the people”, and neither do other people – unless invited in.
Polygamy is considered illegal in the United States, which would make it a deviant practice. That fact is on the bottom burner for me when considering this situation. Forcing someone to theoretically spend the rest of their life with someone not of their choosing is definitely out of the norm in my opinion. On to...
Many people would happily accept an opportunity to have their daily stress reduced by employing help with not only their children but also with daily household responsibilities of cooking and cleaning. Especially in this fragile economic state the average family living in America cannot afford the luxury of hiring a house cleaner, cook or nanny. However, there are polygamists families in America have the abilities of multiple adults contributing to the same household because of the lifestyle choice of having multiple spouses. The extra help comes at a price for woman, by having to share her husband with other woman and raising her children in the difficult and uncommon lifestyle. Polygamy takes a total acceptance and understanding of it by the mothers, in order for polygamy not to have a negative psychological impact on her children. Children are the innocent victims of polygamy; consequently, they grow up witnessing a tense environment filled with their mother’s insecurities and rivalries with the other wives, which sequentially end up harming the child in the end. Furthermore, polygamy can be psychologically damaging to children because of the increased rates of not only welfare fraud, domestic violence, and underage marriages but also child abuse and neglect.
As Utah polygamist Tom Green recently learned, laws against multiple spouses are still liable to be enforced. Green, who boasted five wives and an estimated twenty-five to thirty children, was convicted of four counts of bigamy (and one count of nonsupport). He was not a particularly sympathetic defendant: one of his wives was only fourteen when he married her, and he could not support all the children he promiscuously fathered. So, it’s probably not fair to say he was prosecuted because of his religious beliefs, but he was prosecuted in spite of them. He is not a particularly virtuous man, but he is, after all, a religious one.
In the United States, marriage is a commitment two people make for the rest of their lives. The average American marriage lasts seven years. Well over half of all marriages end in divorce (Francouer, 72). Statistics in the infidelity have rose fifty percent since the 1970s and is rising all the time. The divorce count in this country is now up to one out of every three-marriage end in divorce. Serial polygamy is a common lifestyle for those who are divorced and then become remarried. The relationship between a husband and wife should be sacred and trustworthy. Without the trust and honesty there is no marriage. Monogamy is the loving, sharing, and devoting one's self to another person for the rest of their life. Monogamy should be the most important aspect in a marriage.
The recognition of same-sex marriage is a political, social, and religious issue. Because of this same-sex marriage is a very controversial topic. Legal acknowledgement of same sex marriage is commonly referred to as marriage equality. Many advocates of marriage equality argue that laws restricting marriage to only heterosexuals discriminate against homosexuals. On the other hand advocates against same-sex marriage argue that it would undo long-standing traditions and change the meaning of marriage in a damaging manor. In this essay I will be arguing for same-sex marriage. The arguments mentioned as well as others will be discusses throughout this paper.
In today’s world many people have had different views and ideas on what polygamy really is, is it morally wrong? In this paper you are going to learn what polygamy is, who practices it, the affects that it has on children, wives and the husbands, risk factors, and most importantly why it is morally wrong.
In today’s society the assumption asserts that there must be only two adults integrated in a relationship, however in polygamous environments, having more than one spouse is traditional. Some may argue that Polygamy is simply just an alternate lifestyle. This, however, ceases to be true. Young girls are being forced to marry older men and sometimes relatives. Little boys are often abandoned because it appears to be competition for older men. Children are victims of sexual and physical abuse. Whereas, for women, they generally become stripped of their money and experience competition against the multiple wives a husband. Although Polygamy is viewed as immoral by society, the main focus point should be saving young children and women because
In recent years, same-sex marriage has become a more controversial topic on whether it’s right or wrong. People should not feel coerced to agree with something they believe is wrong; clearly, same-sex marriage is immoral and unnatural. Many complications come with same-sex marriages including financial pressures, social pressures, moral pressures, and health risks.
Marriage is an inevitable stage of our life. Some people choose to get married in