Unraveling The JFK Assassination: A Single Bullet Theory

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What really happened on november 22 1963? Was a lone assassin able to pull of one of the greatest shots in american history, causing seven wounds on two men with one single bullet. On november 22 1963 president john fitzgerald kennedy was riding in a motorcade through dallas texas, governor john connally was riding in the same car as kennedy when they turned into dealey plaza shots were fired at the president's limousine. The first shot struck the president and connelly(mysteries of dealey plaza martin hay). It's been said that John connally was struck with the second bullet that oswald fired but it was discovered that the bullet struck a curb and injured a bystander it was photographed by a newspaper reporter, if this is true was kennedy and connally stuck by the same bullet, the bullet struck kennedy in the back and exited the throat and struck connally in the back broke a rib and exited his chest then it entered his wrist breaking his wrist before lodging into his thigh there was one bullet found at parkland hospital they claimed it was the bullet that caused all these wounds but the bullet was in pristine condition no blood or flesh on it with only one side flattened slightly (JFk beyond the magic bullet David von pein). The warren commission on the JFK assassination stated that the …show more content…

There have been a lot of questions about what happened in dealey plaza on this day, but one of the biggest questions is could a single bullet actually caused seven wounds on two men, and still be in pristine

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