Topical Pattern, Question of Fact
The Truth of The Assassination of JFK
Specific Purpose: To persuade my audience that the Warren Commission was the last straw to cover up the assassination of John F. Kennedy.
Central idea: The assassination of our 35th president was an inside job that needs to be exposed.
I. The day of November 22nd will always be a day of confusion for US citizens.
A. On that day in 1963, the 35th president John F Kennedy was assassinated while driving through Dealey Plaza in Texas (Nelson, “Breach of Trust”).
B. Gallup polls have found that only 39% of the United States population believes that Oswald was the lone shooter (Swift, “Majority in U.S.”).
II. From my stats, I notice only a few of you are familiar
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The autopsy alone had numerous flaws that the Warren Commission accepted.
1. Before detailed examination was issued on the president, it was shocking what was missing at the autopsy (MacGowan, JFK’s Missing Brain).
2. In 1978, a government organization named House Assassination Committee published findings that stated JFK brain was missing (MacGowan, JFK’s Missing Brain).
3. A testimony by a morgue worker stated that there were signs of surgery done to his head prior to showing up.
4. The transferring of JFK’s body is a big issue since it was done illegally because Texas laws forbid a body from being examined elsewhere. Peaceful law abiding citizens were being threatened with the use of deadly force by secret service agents. The agents got there way and the body was examined at the Military hospital. I can see the secret service side on this situation because they do what they are commanded to do.
(Transition: If these suspicious acts have not made you think, we will now take a look at the puppet master of the whole disaster, the ones who were pulling the strings.)
III. The CIA and Cuban affairs were the ones who planned and carried out the
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The capture of Lee Harvey Oswald may be forgotten by most, but how it was carried out still baffles me.
1. The fact that two dozen police showed up to arrest Oswald for the assassination is believable, the fact that two dozen police showed up for a call in for not paying for a movie ticket is absurd and suspicious.
(Transition: Now that I have shown a few of the ways the Warren Commission deception of the the assassination I would like to conclude with these statements)
I. Today, we have pulled the curtain back on some mistakes and notable suspicious acts.
A. The misconception of the Warren Commission being a full out investigation was primarily the last step in their cover up.
1. Two or more shooters would of had to engage in the assassination, partaking in one of the most memorable deaths in history (Nelson, “Breach of Trust”).
II. If Lee Harvey Oswald was the lone shooter, most of these conspiracies would not be here today.
A. As we viewed the flaws and holes in the Warren Commission, I encourage you to examine the evidence as I did.
B. You won’t be alone when you come to the staggering conclusion, that the CIA played a lead role in the death of our 35th President
John F. Kennedy’s assassination has been a mystery since it happened in 1993. John F. Kennedy was shot in a moving car in Dallas, Texas. The murder surprised the nation in a time of peace and calmness, It was also “... the first time the vivid immediacy of such acts was brought into the homes of millions” (“The Warren
Hemelt, Stephen. "Did Kennedy Assassination Investigation Lead to Mistrust?." natchezdemocrat, 22 Nov 203. Web. 13 Jan 2014.
In 1976, the US Senate ordered a fresh inquiry into the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, who was murdered in 1963 during a motorcade in Dallas, Texas while campaigning for re-election. People who had been involved in the original Warren Commission investigations were asked to make fresh statements. The FBI and the CIA were persuaded to release more of their documents on Oswald. New lines of inquiry were opened and individuals who had not previously given evidence were persuaded to come forward. Most important of all, pieces of evidence such as photos and sound recordings were subjected to scientific analysis using the most up-to-date methods and equipment. The House Select Committee on Assassinations (HSCA) completed their investigation in 1979 and they finally came to a discrete verdict that Lee Harvey Oswald fired three shots at Kennedy, one of which killed the president. A fourth shot was fired from the grassy knoll, which was contradictory to the statement printed by the Warren Commission 16 years earlier. They concluded that John Kennedy was assassinated as the result of a conspiracy.
“We choose to go to the moon. We choose to go to the moon in this decade and do the other things, not because they are easy, but because they are hard.” (“JFK’s”). This heartening quote was provided by a man who literally shot for the stars all the way up until the day he was shot down. While being the youngest and first Roman Catholic president, John F. Kennedy always influenced America to strive for the best. Until an unbearable silence struck the American people, he was removed from society in 1963. There were numerous believed causes regarding Kennedy’s death. There is the belief that Oswald shot him as a lone gun man. There are also other theories that state that there could have been more than one gun man. Some people even presuppose that the CIA is hiding the real story. Some effects of the assassination were catastrophic to the American people. We will never know if some of the Vietnam results would have commutated. Another effect was more of an emotional one. Many Americans were vulnerable, and they felt as if America would not be able to recover from this vast bereavement. Regardless, there are causes and effects when evaluating the John F. Kennedy assassination.
There were three known attempts on taking JFK?s life in the fall of 1963. In late October, Thomas Arthur Vallee was arrested by the secret service in Chicago days before a scheduled visit by Kennedy. Vallee was discovered to have an M-1 rifle, a handgun, and three thousand rounds of ammunition. Days later, the Secret Service received another threat: Kennedy would b...
Term Paper: The Effects of JFK’s Assassination President John F. Kennedy, “was one of the most powerful, glamorous, wealthy, charismatic individuals on the planet,” when he was assassinated on November 22, 1963 (Von Drehle). Americans living during the 1960’s never imagined that their beloved President would meet such an untimely and gruesome end, and his unexpected death changed the course of American history forever. Despite Kennedy’s seemingly god-like power and universal influence, an individual no American had previously heard of killed him within seconds. Although the US Government deemed Lee Harvey Oswald the sole assassin, “Fifty years after JFK'S assassination, conspiracy theories still haunt the national psyche” (Von Drehle). At the time of his death, most Americans doubted the conclusion that only one individual was involved in the assassination, and this suspicion still exists: “61 percent of Americans still believe that other people besides gunman Lee Harvey Oswald were involved in the assassination of President John F. Kennedy” (Waxman).
On November 22, 1963, at 12:30 in the afternoon, President John F. Kennedy was shot at and killed while participating in a motorcade in Dallas, Texas. The most important question that arises from this incident is ‘Who killed President John F. Kennedy?’ This is an issue which has been debated by scholars, The Government, and even common people alike. Many people seem to feel that it was a conspiracy, some large cover-up within a cover-up.
...resident. The proof was their however. While no one may know what really happened that day in Dallas. Many people have taken what they knew to their grave. Oswald was killed in the Dallas police station by famed mobster Jack Ruby. Dozens of other witnesses mysteriously died when the House Select Committee on Assassinations , and Garrison investigations started. If Oswald did it, and there was no conspiracy, why is it tried to be covered up so much. Even the HSCA said that "the committee believes, on the basis of the evidence available to it, that president John F. Kennedy was probably assassinated as a result of a conspiracy. Even people on the Warren commission itself knew it was a lie. Arlen Specter said that the back wound had always bothered him. There were memos that hinted of the fact that the commission was going to lie, and that it needed to be covered up.
The details on Rasmussen’s encephalitis were very bleak at the time when the men began their
The vast amount of evidence associated with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, an event that occurred more than fifty years ago, is still being collected and examined by an array of scientists, professional historians, and conspiracy theorists. Periodically, with continuous developments and improvements in technology, new information is being discovered that either relates to an existing theory about the assassination or inspires additional assumptions about the identity and location of another supposed shooter. According to author Don DeLillo, the immense quantity of the information pertaining to the heinous crime committed in Dallas on November 22nd of 1963 will never lead to or reveal a comprehensive and conclusive version of the event. In his novel Libra, DeLillo acknowledges the impossibility of collecting and studying the extensive evidence of the assassination and how this seemingly inexhaustible process is essentially responsible for creating more doubt and disorder in the case.
On November 22nd 1963 there was a terrible crack that ran through the streets of downtown Texas. “The president's been shot!” , “the president's been shot!” Riding in the back of a convertible in a 10 mile parade, Lee Harvey Oswald was convicted for the assassination of president John F. Kennedy. Oswald had a sniper rifle pointed right of the back of Kennedy's head through a building window and pulled the trigger at 12:30 am. The streets were peaceful you could hear the muffled crowd and the band playing in the background as JFK was waving and smiling in the back of the car, then you could hear the CRACK! Of the sniper rifle as JFK fell in the back of the car with blood streaming like a water fountain. Jacqueline Kennedy was struggling to help her husband as she reached over seats and lunging for her husband, not worried if she would be shot either.
Although the evidence may seem scant, two equally convincing incidents lend credence to the aforementio...
I find President Kennedy's arguments very persuasive. Mr. Kennedy's speech flaunts his pride for his country in every sentence. He is encouraging the United States of America to keep advancing in the area of space exploration while applauding us for the astounding advancements we have already made in such a short time.
Then when Margaret, the Chief Usher's secretary, is tortured and murder, the Secret Service know that security at the White House has been severely compromised.
astonishing results. The tests revealed the skull that for years had been said to be