Argumentative Essay On Modern Education

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Is modern education brainwashing students? Why do we have mandatory school? Is there an alternative to our modern schooling that we haven’t explored because of tradition? The school system’s mandatory attendance has not changed in one hundred years, we are still sending children to the same thing every day, teachings that do not challenge the students or benefit thinking skills. We lose the purpose of learning because it is required, we go only because we have to. But in many cases that is the reason people do, education is not meaningful and only serves the purpose of pushing children into a career and the work force. Modern education is failing to give the students useful thinking skills and just pushing them towards the workforce. Tradition …show more content…

Students with successful grades, you would think we 're more likely to be successful in life. Though, what if the school never teaches the the right skills. If students never encounter a challenge, how will that help them in life? The grade system gives a false sense of successfulness. In Kohn’s essay “From Degrading to De-grading”, he uses research studies to illustrate that grade learning has adverse effects on students thinking. “Grades tend to reduce the quality of students thinking. Given that students may lose interest in what they’re learning as a result of grades, it makes sense that they’re also apt to think less deeply. One series of studies... found that students given numerical grades were significantly less creative than those who received qualitative feedback but no grades” (239). Being able to think should be more important than grades, this should be the main objective of …show more content…

School should prepare the students for a life outside schooling but now it focuses on the career aspect of life. Learning and creative thinking are skipped over to focus on the relatively unimportant aspects of schooling. Changing the grade system is one way we can change education to be more useful to future generations. Mandatory attendance would not need to be a rule if we made student actually want to come to school, made them interested in learning instead of stressed about grades or thinking about what they want to be in life. When it comes to education our culture is not very open to change, tradition rules over reform it will take a lot to

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