Argumentative Essay On Margaret Sanger

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Margaret Sanger once said, “No woman can call herself free who does not own and control her body. No woman can call herself free until she can choose consciously whether she will or will not be a mother” (Lewis). Margaret Sanger is a very controversial person; she helped change America and its laws for the better. In other words, she deserves to be one of the 100 most influential people in America. Margaret Sanger intentionally wanted to become a nurse, but in the process she discovered birth control. If we were to ask women and/or men about birth control, …show more content…

She acquired some core principles such as,“Every person should decide when to have a child. Every child should be wanted and loved. Women deserve sexual pleasure and fulfillment” (Simpson). Birth control made a big impact in the world. It prevents women from having children unintentionally. Could you imagine a couple having a child and they not wanting it? As Margaret said, every child should be wanted and loved. On the more descriptive side of things, many people would like to have intercourse and not be worried of becoming pregnant. That is where birth control comes in. To help women in America, …show more content…

There are other people in the world that also believe Margaret was an incredible women, including Julianne Malveaux. Having children narrows down your options for traveling, working, and even college. Margaret Sanger is all about how you create your own lifestyle. Having children should be something you want to do and not a mistake you made. Birth Control and plan parenthood are things Margaret found interesting, and so, she made it a part of her life and the lives of others. She wanted people to enjoy themselves and not have to deal with obstacles like

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