Argumentative Essay On Health Insurance

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Many Americans each year suffer the effects of not having health insurance. Most cannot afford it or they are denied for ridiculous reasons from private health insurance companies. This is not a fair system for those who have pre-existing conditions like myself with cancer or they simply don’t make enough money to pay for it because let’s admit health insurance is more then a house payment. The main parts of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) that affected state governments in 2014 that made Medicaid coverage expand in most states. Federal funds paid for most of the resulting new costs, but there were small increases in state Medicaid spending on adults with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level. These …show more content…

My own grandmother could not afford to be treated and when she went to see if she had other options she was told she made too much. Keep in mind she is seventy nine and draws a social security check it’s not like she has a steady job. I believe that if we are Americans and we stand together we should be helping one another without worrying about how much they can give back to us at the end. We are a very greedy nation to the point where money overpowers kindness. This is just pure selfishness that also brings out the negative side of universal health care. If universal health care was to be passed by Congress then we the American citizens would be paying higher taxes and also be paying for other uninsured persons' health care expenses. This is why most people not just wealthy people do not like the idea of universal health …show more content…

The web site shares stories of those who suffer from the current health care system in the United States. My story is not on this site but I was diagnosed with cancer in 2010 and was denied coverage because it was pre-existing. People may argue that there are other ways for those who cannot get health insurance because of pre-existing conditions to receive health insurance. This may be possible through Medicaid. However, it takes a long time for the paper work and the approvals to go through, which means that for people who need the care now, they cannot have it until it is approved, and then most of the time they are denied

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