Ethics and Issues in Gun Control

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Gun control From an ethical standpoint will the use of a gun be morally right or wrong? The answer will depend on what the gun is used against and its purpose for its use. I would think most people would agree that less shooting and gun violence is a good thing, also these people would agree that protecting yourself and feeling secure is surely a good thing. The problem of courses rises when trying to achieve these goals without conflicting ideas. The United States has over 89% of firearms for each 100 individuals, or around 270,000,000 weapons, which is the most noteworthy aggregate and per capita number on the planet. 22% of Americans own one or more weapons; that is 35% of men to 12% of ladies. Since 2013 the support of gun rights in America …show more content…

Our founding father’s believed that private ownership of guns was a way of protecting our liberty. Guns were very common in the American colonies, they were used for hunting and general self-defense, and was later used in the American Revolutionary War to defeat the British, which a major source of the guns used, were privately owned. It was even required for the head of the household (including women) to carry a gun for protection, and all able-bodied men join the military and are required to carry a weapon. ( is a tool that helped put food on the table for hardworking Americans and without guns America would not be as it is today, but rather it might still be under the rule of the British colony. Since America has such a rich history with guns, supporters believe that it will be unconstitutional to eradicate guns. The fact is guns don 't kill people, people do; this is an argument most popularly used, which by logic it could not be more accurate, but without further analysis. A gun is an inanimate object and it is merely a tool and cannot control itself. If I mounted a gun pointing it to a target without touching it, no matter how much I yell at it to shoot it will not. So the question isn 't gun control but rather it is the person behind the gun that 's the problem. We need a more concentrated look on the people and access the values and moral of the American citizen ( Because most of the psychos that commit crimes or in another case mass shootings are usually secluded or bullied or have a minor or major unidentified or identified mental illness in some ways, but if we are able to come together as a community if we invest in others and are able to understand and help each other, we would be able to see the problems and help these people who wallow alone in pain and maybe preventing these crimes. The

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