Gun Control: American vs the NRA

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Introduction It is a Friday afternoon in Charlesbay High School. Students are piling into the lunch lines awaiting hot pizza, fresh French fries and ice-cold sodas. As the students discuss what they are going to do after the football game and how their 1st hour test was, a gunshot is heard not far away. The students are ordered to stay low to the ground by school security guards. None of the students know what is happening outside the lunch lines. What is going on is a 17-year old frenetic boy who attends Charlesbay, got upset with a couple students. He was sick of hearing them call him “dumb” or “butterball” and pushing him around the hallways. Robby, we’ll call him, took matters into his own hands and decided to do something about his bullies. The way Robby obtained his gun was by a friend, an older friend. This lethal weapon caused the death of 3 students and 5 injuries. What was just explained seems to be a typical storyline heard on the news daily. The debate over firearms has been polarized for too long. Gun law is a never-ending issue because there hardly is any true debate. Americans (and even gun owners) do support the governments efforts to make sure guns are less dangerous in violent hands, but that is the main problem-the guns getting in the wrong human hands. Millions of law-abiding Americans do own and do enjoy their guns. But criminals and sometimes-disconcerted kids often use firearms to kill. The use of firearms has increased tremendously. An average day in Los Angeles is four people dying in a gun related crime and the United States faces approximately 87 deaths a day. There are more than 200 million guns in circulation in the United States and if you don’t own a firearm, chances are that your neighbor or friend does (Fineman 27). Sure, the Founding Fathers incorporated the Second Amendment as “the right to keep and bear arms,” but it did not give the distinction of using guns to kill more children and people than anywhere in the world. I. It is happening all over the country: kids are dying from guns. (Restatement) A. According to the governments statistics, 4, 223 children were killed by firearms in 1997, while many of these deaths occurred while playing at a friends’ home or even in their own neighborhood (Bai 32). 1.It is mostly due because their parents or other gun owners ... ... middle of paper ... ... Madmen will always do mad things (Aphorism). People do kill with broomsticks and their bare hands. Yet the facts are inescapable, there are more than 200 million guns in circulation and more than 1/3 of American households owns a firearm (Fineman 32) (Restatement). Products are something we need to regulate, be they cars, lawnmowers or pharmaceuticals. It is time to apply this consumer-product safety standard to firearms. Perhaps it will take another school shooting to get the Americans and political leaders thinking. Perhaps it will take one more school shooting to move us from people who support for gun control to people who actually vote for it. Perhaps it will take one more shooting to make the Americans more powerful than the NRA. Perhaps it will take our school to be the chosen school to have a rampage, to finally open up our eyes to see how dangerous guns really is (Repetition). Works Cited Matt Bai, “Searching for Answers” Newsweek 10 May 1999 31:36 Howard Fineman, “The Gun War Comes Home” Newsweek 23 May 1999 22:32 Andrew Murr, “Follow the Firearms” Newsweek 10 May 1999 34 Anna Quindlen, “The Widows and the Wounded” Newsweek 1 Nov. 1999 98

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