Blank Wall Essay

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Art in the city A blank wall is something most of us choose not to notice due to how drab and plane it is, but to some that blank wall is an magnificent canvas waiting for an artist touch. Sadly these artist can be punished harshly for what should be seen as art. Art is something that allows for the growth of humans spiritually and creatively. As it stands there is 1667 locations that legally allow for the use of graffiti. (1) If that number were to increase the effects on the average individual's life could be astounding. A way to streamline and in a sense govern graffiti is to have public government sanctioned areas designated for public graffiti because graffiti is currently being treated as a criminal act but if utilized properly it could greatly enhance the lives of those it affect. It can also help the value of surrounding areas as well as long as it is done correctly. It can also help give fame to a small time artist by showing of their work, and it can help anyone make a political statement. It can also help build up a community which is a great benefit for everyone involved. …show more content…

Tagging is something that has been considered controversial considering on one hand it is self advertisement and doesn't provide any useful commentary and it can promote gangs, while on the other hand is still can show artistic qualities. When it comes to graffiti there is millions of different approaches from large scale murals to a super tiny symbol on a single brick. To put it simply the graffiti I am referring to is anything that be taken as having artistic value and still being family

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