Argumentative Essay On Family Violence

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Things are unpredictable, future are unforeseeable, even the happiest family can go downhill in an instant. Problems are always on the top of happiness, once the hectic situation switch turned on, not even your beloved happiness will bless you, yet it will betray you too. Family violence, being hurt by your loved ones, can be a devastating way to destroy a person. Firstly, through physical abuse. Some of the objects the family uses on their family members especially children to relieve their stress makes us have nothing to describe them but an inhuman entity. Those horrible scars their family did doesn’t only left in their bodies, which brings me to the next point, mentality. If it’s an anger that festered in their mind, I would say they still have the thought forgiveness
Not everyone is free all the time. What if the victim is having a tough time at that exact moment when you’re busy? What if you didn’t have a team to help the victim? Therefore, having a team will not allow a second of loneliness for the victim. Also the victim would felt that there are actually people who is caring for them and would felt a lot more comfort than he has ever experience before. Moreover, everyone in this world experience a different life from us, and of course they have gone through different hard times. Maybe you’re not familiar with the cases of the victim is having, but your team might have. Hence, with the help from your teammate, you can actually help a victim into a deeper aspect than you can ever imagine. What will happen when a team cooperate well? Of course! A strong and loving bond between the teammates will form. And guess what a victim needs the most after all those violence their family have gave them? Yes, love. When the bonds between the teammates are strong enough, the victims might feel the sensation of having a loving family

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