Argumentative Essay On Censorship In Parenting

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Censorship in Parenting Parents have a hard decision to make for their children when they are very young. They have to deicide what parenting style is best to raise their kids. The most important part of growing up is having that censorship to guide you in making the right decisions. Censorship is indeed needed for a child to grow and develop a well educated mind. In order for the child to be healthy, act respectfully, and have positive role models, you need censorship.
Parents who are going to censor their kids, will have to pick a style of parenting. There is a lot of styles you could parent with, but only one is correct way to parent your child. According to the research on parenting styles done by Natalie C. Ernst a psychology major. "Authoritative parents are classified as the healthiest parenting style and are between the other two extremes of parenting styles" (Ernst). "This parenting style is correlated with positive behavioral …show more content…

Time spent on watching a screen can take away from your life. Researcher Kamila B. Mistry, say "the results suggests that the timing of television exposure among children may be significant." Children do not realize if something is bad un less they are told it is bad for them. Kids are influenced by what they hear or watch on the television screen. It is important to know what your child is watching and limiting the time spent on the television. "An average American child will see 200,000 violent acts and 16,000 murders on TV by age 18. This will contribute to nightmares, outbursts, and violent actions at an early age." Research done by Kyla Boyse a RN with the University of Michigan Health System. Parents who restrict the amount of time and what their kid watches on the television, will have a positive impact on their child 's life. The nightmare and outburst will no longer happen from the television shows, because the shows are being monitored by the

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