Animal Cruelty: Shedding Light on Laboratory Testing

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Life In A Laboratory: Putting a Stop to the Harsh Testing of Animals July 8, 2011, “When she had met her rescuer the frail dog crawled, too weak to stand up and was longing for affection. Known only as the number tattooed in her ear, she was sick with infections and her teeth were rotted” (Michelle Sherrow). As humans we go about our day using soaps, cleaning products, and makeup without realizing what goes into making such things. There are many harmful ways that scientists test on animals, but new technology has helped create ways to test products without the use of them. Many people continue to use products that are tested on animals because they feel that it is safer, while others believe that it is unnecessary because animals are very …show more content…

Paul Locke of the Center for Alternatives for Animal Testing said “More must be done to require agencies including U.S EPA, the National institutes of Health and the Food and Drug Administration along with the chemical industry to end animal testing” (Johns Hopkins "Expert Calls for End to Animal Testing of Toxics." ). (See Fig.1 on next page). Creating alternatives for animal tests does not mean that human patients will be at risk, however it will improve the quality of science as well as the humanness of it. Animal testing is most persistent because people find it easier and more comfortable to do what has always been done. Comparing new animal tests to past ones gives confidence to scientist as to whether or not they have succeeded in their research. This however, could lead to inaccurate results if the old information was done a very long time ago. As times change, data changes and scientists should focus more of their attention searching for alternatives based on new information, rather than relying on the old …show more content…

Luckily, we have the ability to take action and help give animals a voice. Start by taking a second to think about different products one might have in their home. What companies are the products coming from? Do they test on animals? By purchasing cruelty-free products, as well as making a donation to PETA’s Rescue and Investigations fund to continue investigating cruelty, thousands of animals can be rescued from harmful laboratories like the one described above. It is time to take a stand against animal testing and protect those who cannot protect

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