Argumentative Essay

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I believe that IndyCar Series races should be held here in the United States. IndyCar believes there can be benefits in racing in foreign countries but not all IndyCar teams and owner are keen on adding more races outside of the United States. Not only that but racing on the oval track is most popular for U.S. fans. IndyCar teams that have sponsors that are US based feel global expansion would damage the exposure of their sponsors. As for television ratings, race broadcast would be in odd hours to be viewed or even rebroadcast after news of the race had been released. The general consensus of IndyCar owners feel that IndyCar Series should focus on expanding and growing the IndyCar business here in the U.S. (Ferrell & Hartline, 2014, p. 446). Mark Miles, CEO of Hulman & Company, spoke of IndyCar’s desire to expand races per year from 16 to 20 races starting in the year of 2015. Miles also acknowledged that adding more races to the schedule would be more likely to happen in 2016, for sure in 2017. On the 2015 schedule, Brazil had a race scheduled but was cancelled by local government officials and promotors and was not replaced on the 2015 schedule. This also happened in 2010 when China was erased from the schedule. That is two more reasons why IndyCar races should be located in the U.S. (Pryson, 2015). …show more content…

tracks. It was reported that attendance records to races matched or was better than previous attendance records. TV ratings were higher and reached a 55% increase than in previous years. Promotors of the IndyCar Series are pleased to see that their promoted events are a great addition to race day as well as the addition of concerts performed by top entertainers in the industry. Bobby Rahal, IndyCar team owner, stated “the relationship between team owners and the sanctioning body has never been better than it is today” (Caldwell,

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