Argumentative Essay: Do Cell Phones Cause Cancer

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I think that cellphones do cause cancer because of these few statements that i have found. The evidence that i have found has made me think about this problem and i do believe that they do. Many scientists have made tests on this problem and have found evidence to prove that cellphones can cause cancer. The few types of things to look for is the radiation, the radio frequency, and the amount of energy is being exported to the given place of the human body. These are the evidence and reasonings of why i believe cell phones cause cancer.

My first piece of evidence on why this could happen from a cellphone is the NRI has tested this and has said that the cell phone gives off radiation and a lot of energy to the tissues. The cell phone gives off a lot of energy to a person's head when they have their phones near them. The cell phone gives off energy that goes to be radiation and this all goes to your head if you are talking on a cell phone. The NRI has tested this many times and they have said that the bodies tissues absorb these energies and can affect the body. Yet this only can take account if you are taking cell phone calls all day or not taking very many at all. …show more content…

The body will absorb this energy and take it throughout the body and affect it. The amount of energy you get matters on the body size of the person with the phone. The 30 kilohertz of energy can go to the brain and cause brain tumors to your head. These things can be very harmful to the body and could have a life affect on a person that uses cell

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