Argumentative Essay About Rape

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"The topic of rape is one that remains prevalent in modern day society, with cases such as Brock Turner 's rape of a fellow student causing outrage across the globe. The definition of rape, according to Merriam-Webster, is 'unlawful sexual activity and usually sexual intercourse carried out forcibly or under threat of injury against the will of a person.’ I looked into other cases where rapists had gotten off scotch-free, whereas the victims had been interrogated in regards to their outfits, actions and mannerisms. All of this, unfortunately, culminated to my decision not to report my own assault and while I know, very clearly, what classifies as rape- I remain hesitant in calling what I experienced by that word out of fear it may be too harsh a word to describe what actually happened. …show more content…

Having started to relay what had happened, I was faced by a response I didn’t quite expect. He had responded with a laughing emoticon, followed words to the tune of “haha when have you ever said no to something like that?” and almost instantly I felt my self-esteem ruin. All I could think was ‘then, I didn’t want it then and I made it clear’ but I didn’t respond with those words- I, once again, laughed it off and told him I was tired and that I had to sleep.

With that response I felt overcome with further disgust, perhaps my reputation and my previous sexual conquests had meant that consent wasn’t necessary… but it was. Despite all of this I now understand that I wasn 't to blame and that, although I had never said no, I definitely didn 't say yes and this is what I want everyone to understand. It is hard enough for victims to go through such an ordeal, please do not make it harder by blaming us. We have had our rights stolen, and we did not forfeit them- they were taken."

I am a student, a brother, a son, a friend, a guide and I am not a victim of rape but rather a

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