Argument Against Net Neutrality

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The Internet is one of the most powerful tools of the modern age and is the number one source of knowledge, entertainment and social networking in our world today. While a large majority of the population have no understanding of how the Internet actually works and how the content arrives at their computer, they understand its importance. With this said, Net Neutrality is a big part of that understanding. Net neutrality is the basic principle that prohibits internet service providers like AT&T, Comcast, and Verizon from speeding up, slowing down or blocking any content, applications or websites you want to use("Net Neutrality: What You Need to Know Now”). Net Neutrality is the way the internet has always worked. On December 14, 2017, however, the FCC decided to repeal the Net Neutrality laws that millions of activists pushed for in 2015 making the danger of an Internet without network neutrality a reality. …show more content…

Along with consumer advocates and human rights organizations, many internet application companies like Yahoo, Amazon, eBay, Google, etc. support net neutrality regulation and believe the FCC Chairman, Ajit Pai, is making a terrible mistake ("The Net Neutrality Debate"). Nevertheless, while there are some people who support Net Neutrality, some oppose it. Those who are against Net Neutrality and siding with the FCC believe what they are doing is much needed, especially because of the negative influence the Internet has on young children and adults. Although information and certain content on the Internet can sometimes be misleading or bad for young children and adults, I, personally, believe the FCC should not regulate information on the internet by repealing our Net Neutrality laws. The Internet allows us, the people, to have a voice and exercise our freedom of

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