Are we too dependent on computers?

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Can you go one day without using the computer for something, anything? If you said no, then you and I both are too dependent on computers. Today, it is hard to imagine how the world would be without having them. The first computer to ever be invented was over fifty years ago, but did not make a big bang or difference in society due to its’ high expenses and low stock. Computers are programed to help and entertain us, but now they are taken for granted and manipulated by many. Computers have been a big help in society. They have helped us win wars, invent weapons that are inconceivable, and even provide us with opportunities like going to space, traveling, and to further our communications. The birth of the computer spawned the birth of bigger industries, increasing the lives of everyone on Earth. Two components go along with the creation of the computer, hardware and software. Hardware is the tangible parts of the computer such as the monitor and hard drive. Software is what comes on discs that tell the computer what to do. Computers are put together with the installation of software that allows us to access many different programs that we need in order to operate it. As we input information through the keyboard, the central processing unit (CPU) processes that information using speed then outputs the information onto the monitor. Many argue that the speed of the computer relies on the accuracy of humans. This allows us to be in control at all times while the computer simply obeys our commands. Every ten years, the U.S. Constitution performs a census; this is documentation of population in every state. With the increase in population, it was impossible for this census to get finished. Scientists came together to increase the ... ... middle of paper ... ...he computer screen is not real life and causes many personality and behavioral problems. We expect and rely on computers to fix our problems, but our brain is the most complex and useful tool in the world. If our generation wants to achieve greatness, we need to start depending on ourselves and not on something that can easily be taken away from us tomorrow. Works Cited

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