Are We Now Living In The Golden Age?

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Back Then and Now

Are we now living in the golden age? Recently, my mom often recalls her past and how life was tough and different back then. In addition, she is Claiming that my generation has much easier lives then they had before. I am not fully sure about that, because every generation has his own problems. But I strongly agree that life now has changed in many ways compared to what it was in the past. Presently, life is more comfortable, convenient and better than it was. Due to different evolution and establishment in various sectors of our life’s.

One of the major changed points is Education. Education before was tougher and only at schools. It wasn’t affordable for everyone; many different countries didn’t have access to basic education. In contrast, education now is a human right for everyone, is more advanced, and it easy to access to. Thanks to the internet, now we can learn new subjects, idea, languages, and more of new stuff every day from different places, we are not tied any more to a boring classroom. …show more content…

50 years ago technology was a new thing, and it wasn’t affordable for all public. For example, people use to waited nervously by the phone to receive a call from a job or love ones. People use to listen to radio or watch white and black TV. On the other hand, now we are no longer held captive by the prime-time schedules of a handful of TV networks. We can easily stream new or old episodes of our favorite shows. Not only that, now we can take phones with us everywhere and connect more with the world and each other by our smart

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