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Importance of assessments to students
Importance of assessment
Strengths and weaknesses of assessment for learning
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It was on a clear sunny day, when I peered out through the window adjacent to my study desk and there in plain sight, the hostel’s jacaranda trees were in full bloom. After having spent two years in a hostel at my former high school, my fellow classmates and I had come to associate the blooming of jacaranda trees as a sign of the beginning of mid-term exams. It is ironic how whenever I looked at the beautiful scenery formed by the blooming jacarandas, it sent shivers down my whole body as the exams approached instead of me enjoying Mother Nature. Exams were upon us and all one could hear throughout the hostel in the different dormitories, was the frantic flipping of pages as we all tried to maximize on our “last minute studying” time. I for one had been procrastinating and was trying to “stuff” my brain with all my notes and the complex formulas in preparation for the chemistry mid-term exam that I was sitting for the following day. The time to face “our demons” arrived. As my classmates and I entered the exam room and from the looks on people’s faces, one could almost accurately separate those that were prepared for the exam and those that were not. Nonetheless, we all sat down in our designated places and took the exam under the watchful eye of the invigilator.
A few weeks down the line, our teacher gave us back the exam results that were in their own way a bag of surprises as those who were dubbed as intelligent students had done poorly on the exam and the not so intelligent students had scored high. My teacher was puzzled by these results and to help him comprehend fully what had happened he asked each student for an honest feedback about the exam. He soon discovered that the reason why my classmates and I (his top students) h...
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..."Take a Test to Really Learn, Research Suggests." The New York Times. The New York
Times, 20 Jan. 2011. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
BBC. "Education Ban Exam 'abuse' Says Teacher." BBC News. BBC, 27 July 1999. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
Bhatia, Roshni. "Should Examinations Be Replaced with Other Forms of
Assessment?"ManagementParadisecom Forums Your MBA Online Degree Program and
Management Students Forum for MBABMS MMS BMM BBA Students Aspirants RSS. Vbulletin
Solutions, Inc, 4 Oct. 2006. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
Hasan, Mehdi. "Our Schools Exam System Is no Longer Fit for Purpose." The Guardian. Guardian News and Media, 17 Dec. 2011. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
Robinson, Ken, Sir. "Are Exams an Effective Form of Assessment in Education?" The Badger. Cambridge,
7 Sept. 2009. Web. 27 Mar. 2014.
Stiggins, R. J. (2006, November/December). Assessment for learning: A key to motivation and achievement. Edge, 2, 3-19.
Miltich, Matthew. "Standardized Testing and Assessment Do Not Improve Education." Education: Opposing Viewpoints. New York: Greenhaven, 2005. 151-54. Print.
Rooks, Noliwe M. "Why Its Time to Get Rid of Standardized Tests." N.p., n.d. Web. 11 Oct. 2012.
Necessary funding for schools consistently rears its ‘ugly head’ and these exams prove to be very expensive and I believe, very much a waste of money. The money could be better spent on school materials like books, computers, and other necessary supplies. The allocated
Through the use of credible sources, an explanation, and connection to thesis Rizga is able to back up her argument. Rizga provides many credible sources; one of the many is Robert Glaser, “the godfather of standardized testing.” Rhee, however, although providing evidence, does not cite her source. Rizga writes about how Roberts Glaser warned people of the dangers of emphasizing on standardized testing. Rhee, on the other hand, states “Out of 34 developed nations, American kids rank 26th in the world in math, 21st in science and 17th in reading.” Rizga then explains her evidence by elaborating on Glaser’s warning by saying: “He called them ‘fallible and partial indicators of academic achievement’ and warned that standardized tests would find it ‘extremely difficult to assess’ the key skills people should gain from a good education.” Rhee, however, never explains her evidence. Rizga’s evidence clearly connects with her thesis because it supports her argument of how standardized tests are not an efficient way to measure a student’s intelligence. Rhee’s evidence supports the idea of how standardized test should be used to see how the United States ranks in the world, but this is not Rhee’s thesis. Through the use of credible sources, an explanation, and connection to the thesis, Rizga is able to clearly support her
Evans, Donia. "The Case Against Standardized Tests." The Meridian Star. 24 Nov. 2013. The Meridian Star. 01 Dec. 2013 .
make it work? In C.A. Dwyer (Ed.), The future of assessment: Shaping teaching and learning
Assessment has been the greatest challenge in my development as a professional. My coursework as supported my growth in this area, especially in understanding the broad range of assessments used to support students’ growth and development. My courses have also supported my understanding of how ongoing observational assessment and standards-based measures can be used to inform instruction and support the cycle of observation, reflection and planning. Coursework
Baker, M (2010) Are Exams Really Getting Easier? [Internet], UK, BBC. Available from: [Accessed 2nd January 2012]
Standardized testing is an unfair and inaccurate form of judging a person’s intellect. In many cases, people are either over- or underrepresented by their test scores, partly because America does not currently have the capabilities of fairly scoring the increasing number of tests. Additionally, many students today are not native English speakers, and their capabilities could be grossly underestimated by these types of exams. Although President Bush is a supporter, many influential people are against this bill, including the largest teacher’s union in the United States, which has formed a commission in opposition to the President’s proposal.
The British education system at one time was considered as one of the world's finest, admired and emulated by nations spanning several continents. Now it is in a state of disarray, reduced to nothing less than a complete shambles and plagued with corruption thanks to the implementation of the so-called Curriculum 2000. "Luck of the draw" is becoming an increasingly influential factor in today's exam lottery.
Alfie Kohn, author of The Case against Standardized Testing, recalls a specific incident of how children are being cheated out of valuable class time. He states that a school in Massachusetts used a remarkable unit, for a middle-school class, where students chose an activity and extensively researched it, and reported or taught, it to the class. This program has had to be removed from the course curriculum in order to devote enough time to teaching prescribed material for their standardized tests.
The rallying call to end high school exit exams is not only a display of America’s failing attitude to education, but also a way to ensure American students are doomed in higher education levels. National exit exams would not harm the overall education standards, but rather would give a reason for students and teachers alike to crack down and get to work. So instead of making excuses it is about time for the American education system to set a standard for students to reach for, not one that is just walked over like the one that has so sadly failed this new generation.
can not get good marks in their exams and they can not stand the pressure of
The moment I set foot into the hall hastening to find my seat, I came across my name and identification number stated on a surface of a table. Consequently, I felt a major adrenaline rush with the realization that I am about to sit for the most important evaluation in my entire high school life. With a sigh of relief, I woke up to discover that it was just a dream. The majority of students would feel the same way because it is a grief that all of us have to adhere in order to advance to the next stage in education. Regardless of officials who feel otherwise with the idea of tests being the solitary form of assessment for learners, I strongly feel that there are many justifications to support the motion that examinations should be abolished.