Are Business Schools To Blame For The Financial Crisis Essay

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Were business schools to blame for the financial crisis? What should business schools do to help prevent similar crises in the future? In the august, striking news from the Bloomberg News with the title “Shanghai Plot of Land Sells for Record Price Amid Credit Binge” has appealed a nationwide discussion of how soon will the potential and predictable national financial crisis caused by the property bubbles sweep the China. Some people started to blame the CEOs of the real estate companies with their greed. However, more people are blaming on the business schools where generates those CEOs. This is not the first time that the publics direct their spearhead against the business schools. In spite of the fact that the people holding MBA degrees occupy many important positions in the business companies and banking systems, the business schools, however, should not be blamed for the financial crisis. Their correlation is not evidence that can prove their causation. Business schools are not only teaching students analyzing the date from the profit margin and making strategies to solve problems and to improve company performances, they also put efforts on developing more courses of business ethic, social responsibility and environmental …show more content…

The CSR courses included in the curriculum showing that they are not only teaching people on making profit, but they are also contributing to the society. In conclusion, business schools should not be blamed for the financial crisis based on the above reasons. At the same time, there are more stages need them to step on one by one in order to avoid the public query and

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