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Cause of the recession 2008
What caused the Great Recession of 2008
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The PBS Frontline documentary, Money, Power, and Wall Street gives the audience a little history about the causes of the Great Recession. Frontline some of the major people from Giorogs Papakonstaniou, the Former Greek Financial Minister; Sheila Biar, chair member of the FDIC during the crisis, and Robert Wolf the chairmen of UBS Americans to name a few. The crisis of 2008 not only made about 8 and half million Americans unemployed, but also a loss of about $11 trillion in net worth. On top of that, the nation was divided with radical movements from the left and right like Occupy Wall St. and the Tea Party forming as a result of the crisis in 2008. Some may say that this was just a result of capitalism and not enough government regulation on Wall St.
Many of the “Elite” financial figures could not give a definite answer about why this crisis occurred as well as stated by many of the people interviewed, “We don’t know how it happened.” Many young brokers working for JP Morgan back in the middle of the 90’s believed they could come up with a way to cut risk, credit derivatives. Credit Derivatives are just a way of using other methods to separate and transfer risk to someone else other than the vender and free up capital. They tested their experiment with Exxon Mobile who were facing millions of dollars in damage for the Valdez Oil Spill back in 1989 by extending their line of credit. This also gave birth to credit default swaps (CDS) which a company wants to borrow money from someone who will buy their bond and pay the buyer back with interest over time. Once the JP Morgan and Exxon Mobile credit default swap happened, others followed in their path and the CDS began booming throughout the 90’s. The issue was that many banks in...
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...here they were not as big but still receive major media attention. The protestors also wondering why many lost their jobs and wanted the government to reform the Banks. Also the police received attention because of how they were treating the protestors where many were pepper sprayed and brutally assaulted.
A major term, confidence was very importance during this time. Because as soon as Lehman Brothers fell, many banks and brokers began to lose confidence as well because they were worried who would fall and how much money they would be losing because of their investments with Lehman. Then when it came to fixing Wall St, Obama chose Geithner because he was already popular with Wall St and if he would have chosen someone else that confidence would have been lowered down. This confidence also helps consumers go out and spend their money to keep the economy going.
The Savings and Loans Crisis of the 1980’s and early 90’s created the greatest banking collapse since the Great Depression in 1929. Over half the S & L’s failed, along with the FSLIC fund that was created to insure their deposits.
The Great Depression was one of the greatest challenges that the United States faced during the twentieth century. It sidelined not only the economy of America, but also that of the entire world. The Depression was unlike anything that had been seen before. It was more prolonged and influential than any economic downturn in the history of the United States. The Depression struck fear in the government and the American people because it was so different. Calvin Coolidge even said, "In other periods of depression, it has always been possible to see some things which were solid and upon which you could base hope, but as I look about, I now see nothing to give ground to hope—nothing of man." People were scared and did not know what to do to address the looming economic crash. As a result of the Depression’s seriousness and severity, it took unconventional methods to fix the economy and get it going again. Franklin D. Roosevelt and his administration had to think outside the box to fix the economy. The administration changed the role of the government in the lives of the people, the economy, and the world. As a result of the abnormal nature of the Depression, the FDR administration had to experiment with different programs and approaches to the issue, as stated by William Lloyd Garrison when he describes the new deal as both assisting and slowing the recovery. Some of the programs, such as the FDIC and works programs, were successful; however, others like the NIRA did little to address the economic issue. Additionally, the FDR administration also created a role for the federal government in the everyday lives of the American people by providing jobs through the works program and establishing the precedent of Social Security...
Many people today would consider the 2008, United States financial crisis a simple “malfunction” or “mistake”, but it was nothing close to that. Contrary to what many believe, renowned economists and financial advisors regarded the financial crisis of 2007 and 2008 to be the most devastating crisis since the Great Depression of the 1930’s. To make matters worse, the decline in the economy expanded nationwide, resulting in the recession of 2007 to 2009 (Brue). David Einhorn, CEO of GreenHorn Capital, even goes as far as to say "What strikes me the most about the recent credit market crisis is how fast the world is trying to go back to business as usual. In my view, the crisis wasn't an accident. We didn't get unlucky. The crisis came because there have been a lot of bad practices and a lot of bad ideas". The 2007 financial crisis was composed of the fall of many major financial institutions, an unknown increase in mortgage loan defaults, and the derived freezing up of credit availability (Brue). It was the result from risky mortgage loans and falling estate values (Brue) . Additionally, the financial crisis of 2007 was the result of underestimation of risk by faulty insurance securities made to protect holders of mortgage-back securities from risk of default and holders of mortgage-backed securities (Brue). Even to present day, America stills suffers from the aftermaths of the financial crisis.
Mare Barrow is a young girl who lives in a village known as the Stilts. In this dystopian world all Red bloods work for the Silvers, which are believed to be touched by the gods and given great powers no mortal should hold. With her brothers at war and her sister Gisa making a living as an apprentice, Mare lives out her live waiting until she is 18 to be conscripted into the war with her brothers. Everything takes a turn when her dear friend Kilorn’s master dies, he is to be conscripted to war. She soon meets with the fabled Scarlet Guard whom say they will help her
Since being founded, America became a capitalist society. Being a capitalist society obtains luxurious benefits and rather harsh consequences if gone bad. In a capitalist society people must buy products and spend money to keep the economy balanced, but once those people stop spending money, the economy goes off balance and the nation enters a recession. Once a recession drastically takes a downturn, the nation enters what is known as a depression. In 2008 America entered a recession and its consequences were severe enough for some people, such as President Barack Obama, to compare the recent crisis to the world’s darkest economic depression in history, the Great Depression. Although the Great Depression and the Great Recession of 2008 hold similarities and differences between the stock market and government spending, political issues, lifestyle changes, and wealth distribution, the Great Depression proved far more detrimental consequences than the Recession.
The early Americans had been under British rule for quite a time, the founders of America had feared possible abuses of governmental powers. Our founders only wanted one thing, that is American liberty. They did not want to necessarily have a higher foreign authority ruling their colonies. Eleven years after the Declaration of Independence, Alexander Hamilton wrote, “Give all power to the many, they will oppress the few. Give all power to the few, they will oppress the many.” This is saying that if you give power to one class or one group of people, they will not please the others and will continue to tyrannize them. The other way around, will also be the same result. This is mainly because all of mankind is power-hungry. Alexander Hamilton
After having a relatively indecisive president in office for the last for years, America was in desperate need of a president who could take charge of the governemt. Franklin Roosevelt was more than up to the task of turning around the spiraling American economy. Almost immediately after his inauguration, Roosevelt declared a national four-day “bank holiday” in an attempt to keep the banking system from failing. Roosevelt was able to push the Emergency Banking Act through Congress, which gave him “broad discretionary powers over all banking transactions and foreign exchange,” (Faragher, Buhle, Czitrom, & Armitage, 855). The measure was used to inspect banks and make sure they were healthy before reopening. Roosevelt wanted to restore confidence in the banking system after a disasterous widespread failure of banks. This shows how Roosevelt was much more decisive than his predecessor and went to work immediately after taking office.
Right away Van Buren had faced a major difficulty in his presidency, it was a financial panic. Andrew Jackson had left Van Buren to deal with this at the end of his second term and many had blamed Van Buren for the crisis. The financial panic had happened because of the transfer of federal funds from the Bank of the United States to state banks. This transfer had caused thousands of people to lose their land and hundreds of banks and businesses to fail. Van Buren had blamed the Bank of the United States, but Van Buren’s political opponents blamed him for the
It can be argued that the economic hardships of the great recession began when interest rates were lowered by the Federal Reserve. This caused a bubble in the housing market. Housing prices plummeted, home prices plummeted, then thousands of borrowers could no longer afford to pay on their loans (Koba, 2011). The bubble forced banks to give out homes loans with unreasonably high risk rates. The response of the banks caused a decline in the amount of houses purchased and “a crisis involving mortgage loans and the financial securities built on them” (McConnell, 2012 p.479). The effect on the economy was catastrophic and caused a “pandemic” of foreclosures that effected tens of thousands home owners across the U.S. (Scaliger, 2013). The debt burden eventually became unsustainable and the U.S. crisis deepened as the long-term effect on bank loans would affect not only the housing market, but also the job market.
Between January 2008 and February 2010, employment fell by 8.8 million, the largest decline in American history. The 2008 Recession, which officially lasted from December 2007 to June 2009, began with the bursting of an 8 trillion dollar housing bubble. Job losses during the recession meant that family incomes dropped, poverty rose, and people all over the country were suffering. Things like this don’t just happen. Policy changes incorporated with the economy are often a major factor. In this case, all roads lead to one major problem: Deregulation. Deregulation originating from the Carter and Regan Administrations, combined with a decrease in consumer spending, and the subprime mortgage bubble all led up to the major recession of 2008.
real reason he got blind. He knows that seeing the eclipse without protection wasn't the
The novel Lord of the Flies was written by William Golding. Golding wanted the story to be about a group of young boys whose plane crashed on an island, trying to escape war. The whole concept of this was so that he can show what a group of people can become given a set of inflicting conflicts that can change them for better or for worst. He gives great detail on how they go from sane to insane in a matter of time and turn into someone completely different all together. One of the boys on the island is named Simon. Simon’s personality and traits are similar to Jesus Christ because they both posse a form of insight, spirituality, and compassion.
What caused the Great Recession that lasted from December 2007 to June 2009 in the United States? The United States, a country with an abundance of resources from jobs, education, money and power, went from one day of economic balance to the next, suffering major dimensions of crisis. According to the Economic Policy Institute, it all began in 2007 from the credit crisis, which resulted in an 8 trillion dollar housing bubble (n.d.). This was said by Economist analysts to be attributed to the collapse in the United States. Even today, strong debates continue over major issues caused by the Great Recession, in part over the accommodative federal monetary and fiscal policy (Economic Policy Institute, 2013).
The "subprime crises" was one of the most significant financial events since the Great Depression and definitely left a mark upon the country as we remain upon a steady path towards recovering fully. The financial crisis of 2008, became a defining moment within the infrastructure of the US financial system and its need for restructuring. One of the main moments that alerted the global economy of our declining state was the bankruptcy of Lehman Brothers on Sunday, September 14, 2008 and after this the economy began spreading as companies and individuals were struggling to find a way around this crisis. (Murphy, 2008) The US banking sector was first hit with a crisis amongst liquidity and declining world stock markets as well. The subprime mortgage crisis was characterized by a decrease within the housing market due to excessive individuals and corporate debt along with risky lending and borrowing practices. Over time, the market apparently began displaying more weaknesses as the global financial system was being affected. With this being said, this brings into question about who is actually to assume blame for this financial fiasco. It is extremely hard to just assign blame to one individual party as there were many different factors at work here. This paper will analyze how the stakeholders created a financial disaster and did nothing to prevent it as the credit rating agencies created an amount of turmoil due to their unethical decisions and costly mistakes.
In Death in the Woods by Sherwood Anderson, the old woman that feeds the animals was a quite member of the community. She kept to herself and did her routine things such as visit the butcher and such. She loved the nature, and her biggest concern seemed to be feeing the animals. They were like children to her, and they probably treated her better than her real family did. In Robert Frost's An Old Man's Winter Night, the man in this story also kept to himself and was never associated with anyone or anything. He was also an old man, that didnt seem to have much in his life to keep him occupied besides his old age.