Apple Utilitarianism Essay

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The topic that I will writing about is about the company of Apple and how it is a great company. I will also be talking how Apples is a utilitarian company and makes products that makes the consumers happy. Apple is one of the many electronics company that make computers, tablets, phones and iPod. Apple was a company that was founded by Steve Jobs, a college drop out on April 1, 1976. In this essay I will be discussing how Apples products make consumers happy, the philosophy of apple and how apple also makes people angry. Apple is one of the world’s greatest tech company and has its products sold in many countries. Apple makes about 34 percent of iPhone sales in America while compared to Android sales which is about 20 percent (Tung). …show more content…

I believe that Apple is a Utilitarianism company because of how Apple makes their products user friendly and make people feel good about their products. Utilitarianism is one of the pretty well known moral theories. Utilitarianism is under the idea of Consequentialism which the view that is all about making the right kinds of overall consequences. Utilitarianism was from 2 philosophers, John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham who were great examples of consequentialism. Utilitarianism means that his purpose of morality is to make life better by increasing the amount of good things such as happiness and pleasure in the world and lowering the amount of bad things such as unhappiness and pain. The two most important Utilitarianism are John Stuart Mill and Jeremy Bentham because they had made a huge impact on the philosophy’s of moral theory, their approaches on economics, social policy and political. Utilitarianism is the choices that people make that is right and makes the overall everyone happy. Utilitarian’s believe that people should choose the option that maximizes utility for example the action that creates the most amount of good. Utilitarianism is thought to be a simple theory because it only has one evaluating principle, act on what makes the best

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