Anti-Hunters Vs Anti Hunters Essay

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Anti-hunters are opposed to the explicit acts of hunters in Africa because of the environmental degradation it can lead to. What I want to be of focus, though, is that controversy over the act of hunting is not solely in line with hunting endangered African mammals. The results of all kinds of hunts and the drives hunters have to pursue these hunts differ because of the uniqueness of the goods the hunters seek in their adventures. What non-hunters and anti-hunters easily overlook is the anthropocentric values that the hunter seeks to fulfill and achieve, and how it expresses an interaction with nature.
I first want to describe the problems people have against African hunts that result in the hunters’ identity of a trophy hunter. Then, I will uncover the mysteries on why it is hunters conduct hunts, such as in Africa, on an ethical basis by applying an explanation for their dominionistic values. Finally, by understanding the diverse angles of a hunt that reveal access to the goods that drive the hunter, the reader should come to a conclusion that there is no capacity to depict different kinds of hunters. There is no proper concept of trophy hunting, sport hunting, subsistence hunting.
Hunters across the world are in range of an opportunity to hunt a trophy animal. …show more content…

What characterizes a sport hunter in comparison to a subsistent hunter? Brian Luke writes about an analysis of what is called “The Sportsmen’s Code” that indicates the primary rules that sport hunters have to follow. The given rules are “Safety first, obey the law, give fair chase, harvest the game, aim for quick kills and retrieve the wounded”. It seems fair to say that any hunter can and will abide by these rules, and not just sport hunters. Although rules such as “aim for quick kills” may not be instructed by the Department of Natural Resources (which everyone MUST abide by), most hunters will follow this ethic to participate in the most successful

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