Anti-Catholic Riots In Philadelphia 1844

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The Anti-Catholic Riots in Philadelphia 1844 The Newspaper Account of an Anti-Catholic Riot in Philadelphia expresses how much ethnicity and religion affected the eventual “consolidation of Philadelphia County in 1854” (Schrag 1). The riots were initiated by Protestants who wanted to prevent America from conforming to Romanism. This need of Protestants to prevent the spread of Romanism in America comes from the attitudes of Nativist against Catholic Immigrants. In reading the Newspaper Account of an Anti-Catholic Riot in Philadelphia, the reader can infer that the purpose of this article is to tell how the Nativists Riots caused by Catholic Immigrants killing an off-duty watchman, Catholic Immigrants objection to Protestant teachings in public schools and Catholic Immigrants motives to suspend Bible readings led to the “consolidation of Philadelphia into a …show more content…

This angered many nativists who viewed it as an encroachment on their religious liberty. The nativist rallied together again in protest after being chased off the first time and provoked another fight, in which many nativists were injured and some were even killed. This may have been viewed as the last straw to nativists because more and more riots started to break out against Catholic Immigrants. The author Zachary Schrag illustrates how “mobs gutted several private dwellings (including Hugh Clark’s house), a Catholic seminary, and two Catholic churches” (Schrag 2). The reader can conclude by reading the Newspaper Account of an Anti-Catholic Riot in Philadelphia an additional purpose for this article is to convey how Catholic Immigrants like the school director’s motives in deferring Bible reading enraged nativist causing riots that attended to the “consolidation of Philadelphia County” (Schrag

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