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***Only for Self Aware Individuals*** I want a nice build from this one? Our communities are heavily stained with anti-Blackness. It’s probably best to start off with that difficult and often denied truth. Many non-Black Americans of Color, who are largely immigrants, become quickly acquainted with the American brand of anti-Blackness upon their arrival to a country brimming with economic opportunities unheard of in the lands they left behind. The goal of achieving success in a new country is what arranges the first meeting between these new Americans and the face of anti-Blackness. To begin, the concept of success and achievement in America is a racialized one — regardless of whether we would like to admit that. Success refers to not just …show more content…

I thought you were made of sterner stuff.” Non-Black People of Color (NBPOC) demonstrate anti-Blackness in a number of ways — much of them tragically overt. One of the most problematic manifestations of this is through inequitable comparison — that is, the undermining of key struggles within the Black community via the improper equating of their own experiences as minorities with those of African-Americans. This means that many NBPOCs fail to understand or sympathize with the fact that Black communities continue to battle disenfranchisement, simply because they have been able to achieve success as new Americans. Now that black men have a voice they are pleading for us to have diversity and to accept all types of beauty, etc. Where was this mercy and diversity of thought all this time as it pertains to us? You notice we have all manner of recognition for black women, such as Black Girls Rock, Queens, but no black male equivalent. Am I not King? Why, because in the aggregate, we don’t matter. We aren’t to be celebrated or made to feel good about ourselves. No, we must be intrinsically motivated because seeking validation from anyone else, especially sisters, is a fool’s errand and an exercise in futility for black

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