Antacids Lab Report

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The purpose of this experiment is to identify the highest potency and overall effectiveness of different liquid antacids. Various brands will be tested separately using lemon juice to represent the gastric acids inside the human body to measure how much of the antacid must be used to neutralize the acid. I am interested in this project because millions of people are affected by acid reflux at least once a month (WebMD), and would find it useful to know both how acid reflux works, and the best antacids to relieve the pain of acid reflux. Acid reflux is experienced when gastric acids from the stomach move into the esophagus. The esophagus is the tube used to transport food from the mouth to the stomach to be digested. This tube is supposed to close after the food has been transported, blocking the acid in the stomach from entering the esophagus. Sometimes …show more content…

When the high pH of an antacid is combined with the low pH of an acid, the quantities of H+ and OH- ions both equal one mole. In other words, the high pH and low pH combine and meet at a middle ground. That middle ground is a neutral (seven), or near neutral, place on the pH table. Once neutralized the acid in and around the esophagus is no more harmful to the esophagus than water or milk, as these too are neutral substances on the pH scale. Hence is why antacids serve as a quick solution to ease the pain of acid reflux. The experiment will demonstrate how antacids act inside the body by representing gastric acids with lemon juice. Gastric acid ranges from one to three on the pH scale (UCSB Science Line), while lemon juice ranges from two to three. (Helmenstine) Although the two acids have different pH levels, the rate of neutralization should remain approximately the same because the Antacid’s Neutralization Capacity (ANC) would remain the same no matter the acid type. (Ogbru pg 3,

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