Anony Anonymous's Role In The Cyber World

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With the way the world is shaping technology and the cyber world are becoming larger each day. Things started to change around the year 2003 when the (would be) leading role in the cyber security world would form. Anonymous has been shaping itself more each day to the get the brand of being internet anarchists and wearing the signature Guy Fawkes masks. Some even dub the group as the protectors of the internet fighting crime where they believe is morally right. The anarchist view of Anon was that no one had any sort of control over it and anyone and everyone could claim to be a part of Anon. There are no written rules when it comes to Anonymous but the idea is to collectively promote freedom of speech, try and combat government control where they deem …show more content…

Once the group started to mature into a more widely used phenomenon, Anon moved on to a platform using the website “Encyclopaedia Dramatica” which could help increase their operations. Things started rolling fast for Anon when Project Chanology took form which was an attack against the Church of Scientology. The Project was conducted by sending out a plethora of DDoS attacks on the website, prank calling the church, and also sending black page faxes to their fax machines to use all of their ink cartridges. After all the hacks had been performed on the church they gained a lot of attention from the media. It escalated into protests on the streets in a lot of big cities around the world. With all this attention, the idea of a press release was mentioned by the media. So one Anon member decided he would step up and make a YouTube video. In the video the speech of the masked member was synthesized for even more protection from being identified. This video is said to be the stepping stone of what Anonymous is

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