Annotated Bibliography: The New Learning Paradigm

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Anna Borkowski
Learning Frameworks
Annotated Bibliography
Kivunja, C. (2015). Teaching Students to Learn and to Work Well with 21st Century Skills:
Unpacking the Career and Life Skills Domain of the New Learning Paradigm.
International Journal Of Higher Education, 4(1), 1-11.
According to Kivunja (2014a, p.860), “The New Learning Paradigm” is captured
in the formula: “JR21CS = f (TCS + CLS + DLS)” Kivunja’s (2014, p.86) formula is the
composition of many idealistic skills including: Job Readiness With 21st Century Skills,
Traditional Core Skills, Learning and Innovations Skills, Career and Life Skills, and
Digital Literacy Skills (Kivunja 2014, p. 86). This new paradigm was created because
previous skills that were used for success in …show more content…

To be able to successfully use 21st Century Skills effectively, students
must have core academic knowledge and “basic skills” such as: critical thinking,
effective communication and collaboration, and problem solving (P21, 2009, p.1).
Kivunja (2014b) states that having a substantial understanding of core academics and
basic skills guarantee 21st century skills in his formula’s areas.
Five elements of career and life skills needed to succeed include: “flexibility and
adaptability, imitative and self-direction, social and self-direction, productivity and
accountability, and leadership and responsibility skills.” Students can be taught, in any
environment, hot to manage goals and time, how to be an independent worker, and how
to be a self-directed learner (P21, 2011). All these things can be learned and taught
through well thought out plans and strategies.
My takeaway from this article is that in today’s ever changing and growing
world and society, we, as people, must be constantly changing and improving ourselves.
To change ourselves, we must first have basic skills and education. Once we have those
attributes in our life, we build them up so that failing or being average is not an …show more content…

My takeaway from this study is that it does not matter the quality of the course, it
just matters the amount of effort you put into it. Even though this article was about
student-teachers it can still be useful for any student on their academic journey.
Kee, C. L., & Samsudin, Z. (2014). Mobile Devices: Toys or Learning Tools for the 21st
Century Teenagers?. Turkish Online Journal Of Educational Technology - TOJET, 13(3),
A study conducted by the Universiti Sains Malaysia in Malaysia researched and
studied the correlation between the number of hours spent on a mobile device and that
subject’s unique learning qualities. Based on the study, the student with the highest
amount of hours used on technology was primarily for non-learning activity, while the
median number of the data was using almost half non-learning and learning. It was also
found that people who social network are able to learn anywhere.
My takeaway from this study is that technology can be used in a positive or negative way. Also, the way you use technology can help you learn and gain new skills.

Copriady, J. (2014). Self- Motivation as a Mediator for Teachers' Readiness in Applying ICT

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