Annotated Bibliography On Homelessness

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Bibliography 1 Institute of Medicine (US) Committee on Health Care for Homeless People. Homelessness, Health, and Human Needs. Washington (DC): National Academies Press (US); 1988. 3, Health Problems of Homeless People.Available from: In this article the, author is speaking about the specific illness that are prominent in the homeless community. One thing that is focused on is that many of the illness that are prominent in the homeless community is from lack of preventative care. I think the author does a great job of sharing that there is a connection between health care needs, and the homeless. Some of our homeless community are homeless because of certain illnesses and without proper resources, …show more content…

The study was held to assess the health conditions and the medication use among homeless people in a certain area. They used a brown bag approach to collect the data, and held a clinic to meet with the homeless community to assess their needs. One of the things that surprised me was the amount of homeless people who did see a health care provider. It was also noted that not many of them were on a normal regime when it came to taking medications. The authors also educated the people and shared with them the importance of using prescribed medications properly and daily. I personally loved what these people did. They educated the homeless community, came up with a plan, and they showed that they cared. I found this article very …show more content…

The author also talks about the importance of having a drug recovery home and what that could do for the homeless community. Next the author writes about funding that has become readily available to decrease the amount of people who are homeless and the having clinics, shelters, and resources have greatly decreased the numbers within the years that extra funding was given. I think the author does a great job at explaining the steps to recovery and the need for more resources. I found this article very eye opening. I, myself, would have never thought that it made a difference as to what you chose to take on first. The author makes many good points about the importance of seeking help for a substance abuse problem before seeking

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