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Annotated Bibliography
"Columbine High School Shootings." History.com. A&E Television Networks, n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2015. Eighteen year old Eric Harris and seventeen year old Dylan Klebold were two boys with a fascination of violent video games and music. These young men were known to be “goth” and were bullied all throughout their high school careers because of their different interest. In 1999, on April 20th these boys went into their high school with mixed emotions and a devious plan to get revenge. The two teens went into the high school with handguns and killed both students and faculty members, before they turned the guns around on themselves. This is a reliable source because it informed us of both previous emotion, and the aftermath of the tragedy with detail about the boys, the school and the lives affected. This source was relevant for me because of how thoroughly it described the shooting, and gave me background information as to why and how it happened.
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"Columbine High School Shootings Fast Facts - CNN.com." CNN.
Cable News Network, n.d. Web. 08 Sept. 2015. Previously before two boys murdered thirteen people at Columbine High School, they created heartfelt videos with apologies and condolences to their families for what they were about to do. Directly after the shooting, the families of the two boys were sued by
close to 3 dozen families. This source was reliable because it provided detailed information, giving time and dates for incidents that led to and followed the final tragic event. I would recommend this source to others because of the information given, it supplies details in which could help someone get in the mind or understand what either of the boys might have been thinking, or what they had went through that led up to the event, also informing one of what had happened afterwards and how it affected lives and the difference it made in schools,
etc. Cullen, Dave. "At Last We Know Why the Columbine Killers Did It." N.p., n.d. Web. 10 Sept. 2015. It became obvious that Harris and Klebold were psychopaths after the Columbine shooting. One of Harris’s journal entries consisted of what he had hated about the world and its people, also thoughts he had prior to the event that are assumed to be the beginning of what had encouraged him to go through with what happened on April 20th, 1999. This source was very reliable because of how thoroughly it described the boys and their home lives. I would recommend this source if someone was interested in getting to know the boys and find reasoning as to why they had done what they did. We’ll never truly know what was running through their minds, but this website page gave journal entries, and research on the two boys that could be used to understand more accurately.
Two boys by the names of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris walked into Columbine High School around 11:19 A.M. with 99 home-made explosives, a 9mm carbine, a pump shotgun, and a double barrel shotgun. As well as being accompanied by four knives. Both managed to murder thirteen innocent people in total, twelve students and one teacher.
April 20th, 1999, Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, experienced a mass shooting. Thirteen people were injured and more than twenty were injured. Twelve were students and one was a teacher. Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold opened fire on their high school for forty one minutes before turning their guns on themselves and committing suicide. School shootings are notorious for making headline news but in 1999, school shooting were not as prevalent as they are in the present day. The media blew up on the catastrophe that was Columbine and many questions were raised, who were these kids and why did they do this? Speculation arose about why they did it. Maybe they were bullied for being goth and social outcasts or maybe they
On the morning of April 20, 1999, Eric Davis Harris and Dylan Bennet Klebold went into the Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado, and went on a rampage killing spree leaving 12 students and 1 teacher dead and over 20 people injured before killing themselves. This crime is known as one of the most deadliest school massacres in the United States history (Pittaro).
At 11:19 in the morning of April 19, 1999, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold stood at the west entrance of Columbine High School preparing for the deadliest shooting in American school history. One of them yelled, "Go! Go!," and then the two pulled out their shotguns and began firing, killing two students almost immediately (Jefferson County 3). Harris and Klebold began moving through the school randomly shooting students, detonating pipe bombs, and yelling about how much fun they were having. While this was happening, Coach Dave Sanders and other heroes were frantically trying to get students out of harm's way. At 11:26, while running past the library warning students of the killers, Sanders was shot by one of the shooters. He made it into a science room where first aid was administered by students. He died several hours later in that same room. The worst killing took place in the library during a span of about eight minutes starting at 11:29. Ten students were killed and twelve others were wounded. After leaving the library, Harris and Klebold wandered around the school in movements that appeared to be "extremely random" (Jefferson County 18). They eventually returned to the library at about 12:08 and killed themselves. In 49 minutes, 14 students were left dead, one teacher was left dying, 23 people were injured, and an entire community's sense of safety and security was shattered.
The columbine massacre the day where no one is safe in school or out of school. The columbine massacre is about two students named Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris both seniors 17 years old both two weeks before graduating they killed 12 students, one teacher, and 21 injured to their shooting on April 20, 1999. Both Dylan and Eric were some believe they were bullied by the sport teams in their school so they planned to kill the people who bullied them and other mostly anyone who gets in their way but that wasn’t really why the FBI he said that there target was everyone no one in pacify we will not get in to more details now. Dylan and Eric were both intelligent boys with solid parents and a good home and both had brothers younger than them. They played soccer, baseball, and both enjoyed to work on computers. Both boys were thinking on commit suicide on 1997 but instead started to plan a massacre in 1998 a year before it happened. Then the two boys had got into some trouble for breaking into a van on January 30, 1998 trying to steal some fuses and wires for bombs for them to make, but they got caught in trouble. So the court put them in a program called the juvenile diversion program, but even if they were there they were still planning the massacre and the court also put Eric in some angry management classes and people believe it worked but it didn’t he just did it to look like it work and both boys made it look like they were really sorry but they weren’t. Dylan and Eric both really hated everyone in their school and the court as well after they got caught breaking in to that van that’s when they really started to plan the massacre more and that’s when Harris started he’s journals no one really knows way but they didn’t hate a hand...
Purpose: Marilyn Manson’s purpose for writing the article was to defend himself from charges regarding the Columbine shooting and to criticize the people who not only accused him, but others against violence. In the midst of his cynical comments and criticisms, Manson delivers the message of violence being more publicized paves the way for more problems in the future. He points out several actions of people to of which for the average person, should have been unacceptable. He roots out the media as a source of the spread of violence across the world.
Crime manifests itself in various ways in society and oftentimes difficult to pinpoint what drives people to commit certain actions. The Columbine shooting was a particular incident that ended in tears and suffering which resulted in numerous research as to what was going through the minds of these young individuals at the time of the shooting. Therefore, this paper will analyze specifically the role of differential association- reinforcement as altered by Akers in propelling Dylan Klebold to commit such heinous act, while also giving credit to Edwin Sutherland for first formulating the framework of differential association.
On a sunny spring day in April 1999, a suburban school named Columbine High in Littleton, Colorado found itself under attack by two of its own students. (http://www.knowgangs.com) In less than fifteen minutes of the first lunch period on that Tuesday, two armed students killed thirteen and wounded twenty-one fellow classmates before they turned the guns on themselves - the most devastating school shooting in U.S. history. Unfortunately, it wasn’t the only school shooting; about thirty-five students die every year from school shootings. This generation comes from violence, hatred, and ignorance- the three principal factors that cause school shootings.
On April 20 1999, in a small town of Littleton, Colorado, two high-school seniors, Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris dressed in trench coats began shooting outside of columbine high school. The two boys then moved inside the school and gunned down many students in the library. Upon investigation it was found that the two boys arrived in two separate cars. At first they went into the school with two duffle bags filled with bombs set to the time 11:17, placed these bags in the cafeteria aiming to kill hundreds of students and faculty. They set these bags in the cafeteria without anyone noticing and came out to their cars to watch. When the bombs failed to detonate Dylan and Harris went on a shooting spree.
I am sure all of us have been affected in some way by the horrific tragedy that occurred at Columbine High School in Littleton, Colorado (April 1999). Certainly, our entire country grieves at the death of the many High School teens and faculty who were victims of meaningless violence. Sadly, the bullets of two Columbine students took the lives of thirteen people away.
On April 20, 1999 in a suburban town called Littleton, Colorado one high school was about to have one of the most tragic and deadly days in US history. Columbine High School was in the forefront of this tragedy. Two students, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, opened fire on their fellow classmates and teacher. These two students cut the lives short of thirteen students and one teacher. They then turned their guns onto themselves leaving the nation with no answers as to why? They did leave videotape. This videotape contained Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold planning their attack on Columbine High School. This piece of evidence showed two students that were not part of the "in crowd". They were outsiders, losers, as some would consider them. They were taunted, humiliated, and disrespected by their classmates. But how can two intelligent students do something as deadly as they did. Was it because they had bad parents? Not at all, they even went out of their way to save their parents the blame by repeatedly saying that it was not their fault that they were about to do what they did. So what was the cause of all this tragedy and how can it be stopped so it can never happen again in our middle schools and high schools? Elliot Aronson a social psychologist wrote a book called Nobody Left to Hate, Teaching Compassion After Columbine. This book represents his ideas on how to use certain strategies to have a better school environment that teaches compassion, tolerance while putting education in a winning situation.
Vince Coglianese explains thoroughly in his article “ACLU Says Reid's Gun Legislation Could Threaten Privacy Rights, Civil Liberties” about one side of how many would feel if background checks were extensive: “More extensive background checks and requirements can be an invasion of privacy, such as medical records and personal information.” Even though sales would require more client information, the knowledge of their medical records can help determine whether they can handle the responsibility of a firearm. The same thing goes for the knowledge of criminal records. If Devin Patrick Kelley, the texas church shooter, had his medical and criminal records checked he would not have be eligible to receive a gun and would have raised flags in the system; and if the Aurora, Colorado Movie theater shooter, James Holmes had his medical records given, he too would be deemed unfit to carry and own a firearm. Dave Cullen’s news article “The Depressive and the Psychopath: At last we know why the Columbine killers did it,” details how the mentality and year planning that Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went through when attempting to shoot and bomb Columbine High School; they were deemed psychotic and homicidal and yet still managed to receive guns. Ex-convicts or those who have a history with violence can be automatically identified and flagged for the denial of a firearm or to be constantly
15 people were killed, including the two shooters, while 24 were injured. The shooters in this massacre were two boys who attended the school, Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, and were believed to be motivated by bullies, but that was never proven. The pair of teens originally took two propane bombs into the school that were rigged to explode. Once the bombs failed to detonate they began shooting people. Violent video games and bullying were the two leading suspicions for the reasons of shooting. Harris and Klebold were also both suspected of being in a cult that told them to do shoot the
The Columbine High School Massacre took place April 20, 1999, at Columbine High School in Columbine, Colorado. The shooters Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold went on a forty-five minute massacre killing fifteen individuals (including themselves) and injuring twenty-one.
When it comes to falling victim to crime whether it’s violent or not, the victimization and embarrassment does not stop after the crime is done. Media can be useful in law enforcement and it can also be hurtful. While meant to spread awareness and helpful information, media can often relay too much information and potentially hurt people.