Annotated Bibliography: An Analysis Of Legalizing Euthanasia

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Euthanasia is debated globally about whether or not it should be illegal or become legalized. Some will say that it is wrong, that it is taking the life of a human being; however, others will say that it is just taking the life of a human who is already terminally ill, and suffering. Euthanasia is legal in the Netherlands, Belgium, Columbia, and Luxemburg. Assisted suicide; which is another form of euthanasia is legal in Switzerland, Germany, Japan, Canada, and in some parts of the U.S: Washington, Oregon, Vermont, Montana, and California. Despite many beliefs of euthanasia being morally wrong, it provides terminally ill patients an alternative to the painful suffering they are to experience before their death.

Annotated Bibliography
Pereira, J. (2011). Legalizing euthanasia or assisted suicide: The illusion of safeguards and controls. Retrieved November 29, 2016, from
In this article I learned that the actual definition of euthanasia is …show more content…

In this article Quill states “Between 10% and 50% of patients in programs devoted to palliative care still report significant pain 1 week before death.” In this article Quill talks about how terminal sedation is for the patient from his standpoint. He talks about how patients who pick thermal sedation die from starvation, dehydration, or some other complication. He also states that “The suffering patient is sedated to unconsciousness, usually through ongoing administration of barbiturates or benzodiazepines.” Quill speaks about how opposers of physician suicide often say that it is against many moral beliefs. Voluntary Active Euthanasia is much like physician assisted suicide, but differs where the physician does all the steps, including the final step. Quill says, “For patients who are prepared to die because their suffering is intolerable , VAE has the advantage of being quick and

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