Animism Child Development

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Jean Piaget’s cognitive development theory states that from infancy to adolescence children progress through four qualitatively different states of intellectual growth (Belsky, 2016). The four stages are sensorimotor, preoperations, concrete operations, and formal operations. Children between the ages of two and seven experience the preoperational stage, which is the second stage of cognitive development. In this stage children engaged themselves in symbolic play (McLeod, 2014). Animism is a type of symbolic play. Animism is the child’s belief that inanimate objects are alive (Belsky, 2016). These objects can be anything from toys to the sun and moon. In animism the child may also create an imaginary friend. These inanimate objects are said …show more content…

Specifically, it emphasizes the idea that once children know their own gender label they selectively watch and model their own sex (Belsky, 2016, p. 187). According to Cherry (2016), cultural influences play a substantial role in the way children determine their gender. Between the ages of two and three children are able to understand what gender they are. They start to notice things like girls typically have longer hair than boys and girls play with Barbie’s and boys play with trucks. As the children get older you will start to notice gender segregated play. Gender segregated play is when boys and girls associate only with members of their own sex. When children have free time to play they tend to migrate to others of the same gender. Sometimes you will hear the girls telling the boys that there are no boys allowed or vice …show more content…

Behavior is directed by the stimuli (EPLTT, 2017). Corporal punishment is a type of reinforcement that shapes ones behavior. Corporal punishment is the use of any physical force to discipline a child (Belsky, 2016, p. 206). One of the most common types of corporal punishment is spanking. People go back and forth on this topic on whether it is morally permissible or impermissible. Certain organizations and churches have states that corporal punishment is inhumane. On the other hand, the people who received corporal punishment as a child and believe that it helped their behavior said that they plan on doing the same to their children (Belsky, 2016, p

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