Animal Testing Research Paper

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The Papal Encyclical Evangelium Vitae recognises that animals have both an intrinsic value and a place in God's kingdom. ( BBC, 2009) An animal test is any logical test or test in which a live animal is forced to experience something that is probably going to cause them torment, distress, trouble or lasting harm. Animals used as a part of research centers are purposely hurt, not for their own good, and are generally killed toward the end of the experiment. In God's arrangement man and woman have the vocation of "subduing" the earth as stewards of God. This power isn't to be a subjective and dangerous leader. God calls man and woman, made in the picture of the Creator "who loves everything that exists", to partake in his provision toward different animals; henceforth their duty regarding the world God has endowed to them. (BBC,2009) …show more content…

Christian thinkers trusted that people were superior to animals. They showed that individuals could look at animals as badly as they wanted because they had no commitments towards animals. Present day Christians take a more pro-animal line. They imagine that any abuse of animals is sinful and ethically wrong. Although animal testing brings more medical advancement and less human-based experiments, it is an expensive way of researching imprecise outputs, and at the same time, it is a practice of animal cruelty. Animal testing is unethical and should be

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