Animal Farm Propaganda

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Propaganda is biased information used to mislead people and to
promote an idea or point of view. Name calling is a form of propaganda where somebody says something insulting of another person or group of people. A modern example of this was when Hillary Clinton called Trump supporters deplorable. An example of propaganda name calling in the book "Animal Farm" is when Napoleon called Snowball a traitor after accusing him of wrecking the windmill during the night.
Another form of propaganda is called glittering generalities. A
glittering generality is used to appeal to positive feelings by utilizing vague or emotionally captivating words or phrases. An example of this in modern history is Coca Cola saying "Things go better with Coke", or the Subway slogan "Eat Fresh". The …show more content…

A testimonial uses a
celebrity or expert to support or sell an idea. Many ads or comercials use testimonials. For example Proactiv released an ad with Justin Beiber on it to sell their product. An example of a testimonial in the book "Animal Farm" is when Boxer would repeat "Comrade Napoleon is always right". Boxer was seen as a celebrity to the animals for how hard he worked, therefore the animals beleived him.
A red herring is something that distracts from an important issue. In his
speech Obama diverts from an important issue. He states "I am not going to have a monthly or every three months conversation about whether or not we pay our bills because that in and of itself does severe damage. Even the threat of default hurts our economy. It's hurting our economy as we speak. We shouldn't be having that debate". Red herring is also used in the book "Animal Farm". Throughout the story, Squealer distracts the animals from many important issues by blaming everything on Snowball. This diverts the animals' suspicions as Napoleon continues with his malicious actions.
Fear tactics are used to scare others into a certain health behavior.

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