Animal Captivity Rhetorical Analysis

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Habitats. Safety. The. Resources. The. In my opinion, it is superior for animals to live in a zoo. These things are supported by the details of habitat, safety, and resources. All these things are associated with animals, the way they live their lives, and what zoos do to benefit these animals and their populations. In the excerpt, the author explains the habitats for animals and how it is safer to be in a zoo instead of their natural habitat. Therefore, the author states," Finding within it all the places it needs--a lookout, a place for resting, for eating and drinking, for bathing, for grooming, etc.--and finding that there is no need to go hunting, food appearing seven days a week" (Martell). Testing these facts and details about the animals natural lives and habitats helped the zookeepers be able to keep them safe and provide a safe environment for these animals. However, habitats also relate to the safety of animals and their environment. In Martell's article, he describes the things they can do and what a zoo can do for animal safety. Initially, the author states,"There is no more happenstance, no more "freedom", involved in the whereabouts of a lizard or a bear or a deer than in the location of a knight on a chessboard." However, this claim shows the reasoning why they are secure in a zoo kept place without other animals being able to eat …show more content…

Initially, these things all relate because animals need food, water, no predators, and good temperatures, depending on their species. Additionally, the author states,"the avoidance of enemies and the getting of food and water.... biologically sound zoo enclosure-whether cage, pit, moated island, corral, terrarium, aviary or aquarium-is just another territory, peculiar only in its size and in its proximity to human territory," (Martell). Gathering information for the best possible choices for an animal, I believe it is better to have them in a

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