Angel Just Like Me Reflection

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STANDARDS: The ability to read a large amount of text, by reading the reader will complete this task and be able to supply others with substancial evidence of the reading with supportive details about the story. The students should be able to distinguish main ideas and concepts presented in texts, identifying and assessing evidence that supports those ideas.
THEME: Reading Comprehension and Language Arts Skill: Demonstrate Main Idea, include details with meaning from the topic sentences to define the main idea and drawing meaning from the context reading in the story entitled "An Angel Just Like Me" by Mary Hoffman.
LESSON TOPIC: Reading, Main Idea, Supportive Detail, and Writing
OBJECTIVES: The learner will be able to determine the main idea and detail within the text. The learner will recall vital details about the text by replying to the comprehension questions including who, when, what, where and why.
What are some things that happen in the text “An Angel Just Like Me” in this story that cause him to want to see angels just like him?
What are some things that might make Tyler feel comfortable within his skin in making a comparsion to himself and the amgels he had previously saw?
Why is cultural diversity important within the story?
How does Santa play an important role in the story An Angel Just Like Me?
When Tyler questioned the Notitvity about baby Jesus not looking Jewish do you think he made the connect to himself and the other angels?
Do you think Tyler is a selfish child are is curious ? Supply details to support your answer?
Content: Students shoud be able to comprehend the main idea and display the ability to grasp the concept from the story as they are comprehending the message.
Students wil...

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3. Delivery-_______________________________________________________________________
4. Holly-¬¬¬-_________________________________________________________________________
5. Nativity-_______________________________________________________________________
6. Perched-______________________________________________________________________
7. Presisted-______________________________________________________________________

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