Analyzing The Poem 'The Myth Of Music'

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The poem “The Myth of Music,” Rachel establishes a relationship between music and her memories. Rachel uses metaphorical comparison, format, and tone in order to convey her message to her audience. Many of the things she does throughout the poem are things that could be found within many songs. Through each of the stanzas, Rachel uses imagery to describe significant memories of her life and she does this by comparing it with music. In lines 4-5 it saids, “ Melody is my inheritance traced through a title track,” which she is trying to say how she sees her life as a song. It also emphasizes the importance music was to Rachel. Also in lines 48-49 it saids, “They lie when they say music is universal…” which shows how Rachel has a different approach of what music means to her. Then later on she saids, “This is my songs, the notes like fingerprints,” which gives the audience an imagine of how much Rachel loves music and what it means to her. This helps establish her relationship with music because it shows the importance of music as she was growing up. By her pinpointing certain memories and tying it back with music shows the audience how all throughout her life music was something that she carried with her, it was like one of her priority. …show more content…

Each line has about the same syllables throughout each of the stanzas, which limits how many words are per line. The facts that Rachel formats this like actual song lyrics shows the knowledge she has over music. It helps build her relationship with music because it shows that Rachel tries to incorporate music whenever she can. A common thing within many songs is that they start with their most important line and end up with the same line or the same idea. On the first line it saids, “If music can be passed on,” and line 49 it saids, “music is universal.” Rachel starts of with the idea of music and ends with the same idea of music which helps shows again the importance of music for

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