Analyzing Patty's Poem

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In the world of teenagers everything seems to come and pass by so quickly. For instance the beginning of senior year. In Spite of being happy and excited were also generally nervous and anxious to see what our future holds. As senior year comes to an end, It then becomes as temporary as the summer sun but also the boundary of our life before we enter adulthood. Even then our future is still undefined. In patty's charcoal drive in she seemed very happy and peppy, almost even proud to have her first job. As the poem continues we see she starts to take pride in where she works and shows it by comparing two complete opposites. She is excited to be working but also concerned about what her future holds. In the poem she states the job is as temporary …show more content…

We are all working on our college applications, we're going to school, working jobs, some are in athletics or maybe even doing volunteership. It seems like we have a lot to work on, but the future still remains undefined. However some might frequently wonder what they want to do in the future, but can never give a specific answer. In the poem she realizes she doesn't have a specific answer to her own questions when she states “ I read that in a Doris Lessing book, but right now purse fat with tips the moon sitting like a cheeseburger on a flat black grill this is enough. Your order please.” Even though she doesn't have a vivid picture to what the future might be like. She is still anxious and concerned about the future. No one really has a vivid image to what the future may hold, its Just like the beginning of senior year we don't know what the future might be like. I truly believe it's in our own hands and everyone should enjoy their time and take all opportunities we are given. The more we learn the more we explore even starting with our first jobs we have clearer images of what we want to do with our

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