Analysis of the Film All Quiet on the Western Front

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Analysis of the Film All Quiet on the Western Front

I decided to write this analytical review on the film All Quiet on the Western Front.

My decision was made when I saw it as a suggested reading because I have heard about the

movie many times, yet, I've never seen it. I actually am happy I never had, because I believe I

was able to get much more appreciation out of the movie because I am studying it's topic in this


As I began the movie, I could not figure out if the movie was comedic or not. The way

the movie was filmed, as well as the acting, absolutely floored me. I regretted picking this

movie, and figured that I was in for a long 2 hours. Things did get better from there. I realized

that this movie did have some humor, but only to make a grim subject bearable. This film was

great at showing people what the soldiers in the war went through.

This movie was not to show the strategies of World War I, or why or how one side or the

other won or lost. This was made to show what the soldiers went through, physically, but

especially emotionally. While this movie focused on the German soldiers, there were points in

the movie that led the viewer to believe that the case would be true for the other side too. For

example, when the group of German soldiers were trying to figure out why they were fighting.

Nobody in the group knew the answer. The soldiers did state that the same is possibly thru for

the soldiers they are fighting against. By the end of the conversation, the group realized that they

are being used as pawns to fight other pawns. Neither side was fighting for their own good, the

soldiers were just fighting so they don't die. The soldiers decided that the officials who started

the war should be the ones fighting each other, and the rest of the people should be able to stay

out of it.

As the movie began, I could not figure out what side the soldiers were fighting for. This

bothered me, I believed at first that the movie was made poorly, and should have made a point as

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