Analysis of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

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Analysis of Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare

One of Shakespeare’s most well known plays is Romeo and Juliet; it is

a romantic tragedy a favoured genre in Elizabethan times. This play

was written in 1593.

The romantic tragedy begins with a prologue telling you what happened,

what is happening, and what’s going to happen. The prologue says that

the two households (Montague & Capulet) have been fighting since

ancient times and has broken into new mutiny, but the only children of

these two households fall in love, Romeo Montague and Juliet Capulet.

Their love cannot be because the houses are at war. The reason behind

telling the audience what’s going to happen is because, like the blurb

of a book a person may want to know what’s the basic outline of the

story but in this case the play, if a prologue does not appeal to

somebody then they will leave before the play actually starts.

To break into the play two members from the house of Capulet are

joking around and making fun of each other, until two Montague

servants are introduced, the Capulet’s insult the Montague servants,

they take notice and begin to argue they end up drawing swords.

Romeo’s cousin Benvolio Montague enters the scene to break them up but

to no success as Juliet’s cousin also enters, Tybalt Capulet, this

turns into a civil brawl, more like an uncivil brawl. Many innocent

people die, so the Prince is introduced into the play to break up the

disastrous outbreak. The Prince threatens Montague (Head Montague) and

Capulet (Head Capulet) that they will be killed if the peace of Verona

is disturbed again.

Through the duration of the play it shows the story of the star

cross’d lovers falling in love and all the obstacles they must pass to

be together. Unfortunately their death mark’d love comes tragically to

an end when they both kill themselves, this results in an end to their

parents feud. But this is an Elizabethan tragedy and they don’t have

plays where only to people die, other people that die are: Mercutio

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