Analysis of A Fine, Fine, School by Sharon Creech

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Analysis of A Fine, Fine, School by Sharon Creech

1. Give overview and summarize book explaining how leadership or follower ship is displayed in the book.

A Fine, Fine, School is the story of Mr. Keene, a gung ho principal any school would be lucky to have. This exuberant administrator loves his school so much he wants more and more school: first on Saturdays, then on Sundays, then on holidays, then in the summer. The students and teachers do not want to go to school on Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, or in the summer, but no one knows how to tell Mr. Keene that. He is so proud of the students and the teachers. This is also the story of Tillie, a young girl who attends this fine, fine, school. It is up to Tillie to show Mr. Keene that even though this school is a fine one, it is not fine to be there all the time.

This book displays leadership and follower ship in many different ways. As you read the first pages of this book one could say that this school is a "healthy school - one characterized by student, teacher and principal behavior that is harmonious and works toward instructional success." (Lunenburg & Ornstein, 2004, 99) Every morning Mr. Keene strolled down the hallway and saw children in their classes. He saw what they were learning and he would always say, "Aren't these fine children?" Aren't these fine teachers? Isn't this a fine, fine, school?" Mr. Keene being the leader of this school makes a point of being actively involved in visiting classes and complimenting the excellent job the students and teachers are doing in this learning environment. Mr. Keene adores education and is so proud of his students and teachers he wants the children to learn even more. He gathers all the students and teachers to communicate his new idea that since this is such a fine, fine, school, "lets have school on Saturdays, too"! The teachers and students didn't want to go to school on Saturdays but they did not say anything to Mr. Keene.

"Through effective communication, relationships are built, trust is established, and respect is gained" (Green, 2005, 85) I guess Mr. Keene had all of this since nobody groaned, moaned or spoke up. Neither students nor teachers wanted to go to school on Saturdays but they trusted and respected their leader.

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