Analysis: You Can T Wish Things Into Reality

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8. You Can 't Wish Things Into Reality

"A dream doesn 't become reality through magic; it takes sweat, determination, and hard work." - Colin Powell

This is something that a lot of law of attraction students get confused about. You can 't wish something into your life like magic. You can 't want the car, think about it, pretend to drive it, and then expect it to show up in your driveway. You have to earn the car in some way, which means you have to work! And, the nicer the car, the harder you are going to have work.

This is reality and we need to accept that. Even though it would be nice, the law of attraction is not about wishing and looking at vision boards alone. It 's about getting clear on your intentions, getting focused so that …show more content…

Hard Work Is Everyone 's Ticket In Life

"With true discipline, passion, hard work & sacrifice...dreams become reality...I grew up poor in the ghetto." -

It doesn 't matter what your life has been like up to this point, hard work is the ticket to a better life. If you are telling yourself excuses, such as 'I have it hard ', 'I grew up poor ', 'people are holding me back ', 'I made poor decisions ', 'I 'm stuck in life because [fill in with YOUR reason] ', or anything else, then you are denying yourself a better life. The only tool you need is hard work. If you can master that, then you can work your way into a better life regardless of where you have been and regardless of where you are now.

There are countless stories of people who have been poor, but became rich because of hard work. Ralph Lauren, Oprah Winfrey, J.K. Rowling, and Hilary Swank are all examples of what hard work can do to bring you from a state of lack to a state of abundance. However, it 's not just about money. People have pulled themselves out of bad reputations with hard work. People have pulled themselves out of poor health situations with bad work. People have saved relationships and literally turned their whole life around with hard work! You can

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