Analysis: To Survive The Perfect Job

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To Survive the “Perfect” Job In order to be successful in the unhappiest job you must be patient, a postive attitude and to remind yourself of the goals one has. People today base their career choice on the amount of money they will be making to support themselves and their family. Like Smith’s says in the her reading, “Being able to control what you do and how much money you make are key happiness factors,” More likely they will end up in a job they dislike and only stay in that job for the money. I know many of those people today that work at the Los Alamos National Laboratory as students. Many of them say they hate the job but the pay is good, which is the only reason I see for them to put themselves into misery. To learn to deal with an unhappy job to be successful in life, you are the only person that has to be motivated to get yourself in a better career. …show more content…

Attitudes can determine on how someone’s day turns out, like if you have a positive attitude it can turn out to be a good day but with a negative attitude can turn out to be a bad day. In basketball Coach Mandy would always say, “A positive attitude will lead to positive outcomes.” Coach Mandy was completely right, she made practices fun and productive where the whole team was happy. Therefore when it came to games, not only were we having fun playing basketball, we were also winning games. When someone applies themselves to having a positive attitude at work will help them to deal with the unhappiest job. But when always showing up to work with a negative attitude already assuming it’s going to be a terrible day, it will. A positive attitude is also a chain reaction, which causes your co-workers to have a positive attitude. This can most defiantly improve the working environment with everyone’s positive attitudes. Must think positive in order to deal with an unhappy job to be successful in life and to move forward with their

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