Analysis: The Ghost Of The Murdered Kings

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The Ghost of the Murdered Kings

Within the last few years, bodies have been found in bogs all across Ireland and Northern Europe. PBS took us through a documentary, named “The Ghost of the Murdered Kings”, in hopes to find some missing information on these peculiar bodies. Although they weren’t just skeletons, the bodies were preserved due to the highly acidic waters and peat that grows there. Grobbel Man, Old Croghan Man, Clonycavan Man, and several more have been found by everyday farmers. One in particular stood out that was discovered recently, Cashel Man, who seemed to have died over 4000 years ago. The documentary showed many different archeologists finding out solutions as to why this body seems to have gashes in it, while not having much information to go off of. Identifying callus’ on their hands, hair on their head, and determining what they found as their last meal in their stomach, they found that Cashel Man (and one other body) must have been kings that were sacrificed to the gods. This was deemed significant, as they weren’t burned like the other bodies in that time era. …show more content…

Not even the Romans could overtake them, although they weren’t physically seen as super strong and mighty. They depended on their gods and goddesses for almost everything in their everyday life. A good harvest for the year or a good fight in battle were both dependent on their deities to provide. People do this a lot in our society today, they depend on others for their lives to come together perfectly. But, as soon as something goes south they turn to blame someone else. When the Celts had a bad harvest for a year they turned to blame the kings and sacrificed them due to their “mistake”. The kings didn’t have a choice whether or not the plants thrived, although they were the only ones who they could possibly blame. Thus, they got brutally murdered and given to the goddess of fertility in hopes for her to bless them with a better next

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