Analysis Of Wonder By R. J. Palacio

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Introduction: The book Wonder by R.J. Palacio is the moving and uplifting tale about a boy called August Pullman. August teaches us about life and that people in the world are not always perfect, we just need to accept them for who they are. Wonder is a book about a boy called August who does ordinary things and feels ordinary in the inside but on the outside he is not. August was born with a terrible facial abnormality and has been home-schooled his whole life in attempt to protect him from bullying. When his parents decided to send August to school he goes through many ups and downs but make many long life good friends that except him for who he his. The percept I have chosen to do was October: Your deeds are you monuments. –Inscription on an Egyptian tomb. In a nutshell this basically means your actions speak louder then your words. …show more content…

–Inscription on an Egyptian tomb. This percept means that what you do you in life is what people remember you for. October message is very powerful and meaningful. The message that they are trying to depict is that that accomplish good deeds, that’s what you will be remember for, even if it is just smiling and saying hi to someone. It does not take much effort to do these things. Deeds are something you have done or accomplished and monuments are something erected in memory of something. Some deeds you do are memorable, so it is considered a monument, as they should be remembered. This precept has a double meaning because some deeds should be remembered and some should not

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