Analysis Of Turing's Test For Machine Intelligence

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In this paper I will evaluate and present A.M. Turing’s test for machine intelligence and describe how the test works. I will explain how the Turing test is a good way to answer if machines can think. I will also discuss Objection (4) the argument from Consciousness and Objection (6) Lady Lovelace’s Objection and how Turing responded to both of the objections. And lastly, I will give my opinion on about the Turing test and if the test is a good way to answer if a machine can think. The Turing test was a test that allows humans to evaluate the question “can machines think?” Turing evaluates that one should not ask if machines can think, but conduct an experiment which can prove that it can think. In order to answer this question, Turing created …show more content…

Objection (6) states “the analytical engine has no pretensions to originate anything. It can do whatever we know how to order it to perform” (A.M. Turing, pg.13). Lady Lovelace’s objection suggests that a machine can only do what we order them to do and that anything they do shouldn’t surprise us. However, Turing replies to this argument by stating that a machine can definitely take us by surprise. The reason he says this is because we humans are not a very brilliant on what we create and we are never one hundred percent sure of the things we program (Graham, Dowe). We tend to make small errors of the machinery we create just as estimating variables and thinking it’s all correct. This also leads back to Objection (4) because the idea of surprise “requires as much of a creative mental act” (A.M. Turing, pg. …show more content…

The reason I believe that the Turing test is a great test is because it not only difficult, but it allows the interrogator to think, and that is what I believe Turing looks for his test, the state of logical thought. This would prove that the machine or anything can basically think and feel. For example, If I were to be the interrogator and asked “Are you a woman?” and they both answered me “I am” I would be mentally disturbed and would have to ask new questions to find my answer, but the main point here was the fact I was mentally disturbed and that leads to emotion, which leads that if I were to figure out who was who, I would pass the test and I would have evidence that I can undoubtedly

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