Analysis Of The Threat To Free Speech At Universities By Greg Lukianoff

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In the article “The Threat to Free Speech at Universities”, the author Greg Lukianoff expresses concern over methods which universities are employing to protect free speech, and how many people are abusing those methods. He especially makes emphasis on how many people are simply declaring speech they don’t like as harassment, and making it harder to draw the line between what truly is harmful speech and what is not. I disagree with the author because while he makes a valid point, the perception of what is harmful speech varies from person to person. While one person might not take offense to a statement, there may be a dozen others who do. This illogical ideology has been used to harm people for centuries ; when offense is taken to a statement, …show more content…

Though the methods through which these ideas are communicated is different, they are rudimentarily the same; expressing two opposing views and even using a bit of persuasion to try to sway the reader. While both articles are well-written and succinct, I do not agree with either of them, simply because they are both trying to belittle the harassment that marginalized people and groups may face on a daily basis. Regardless of whether or not a few outliers may abuse their free speech, I believe that everyone has the right to be respected. If one person deems something hate speech, it may not actually be hate speech, but the cause for the statement should be thoroughly analysed and taken into consideration. People should ask themselves questions when confronted with a situation such as this; “Am I promoting hatred against one group or another?”, “Is what I am saying offensive at its core?”, “If I am saying offensive things, does that say something about me as a person?”. By asking themselves these questions, people may be able to better understand the views of others and be careful of their speech. Toleration of hate speech is not acceptable under any circumstance, and neither is hate speech itself. Claiming free speech is not a free pass to spout offensive ideologies, and people who do so are living through a jaded mindset. Free speech is not about protecting hate speech, it is protecting one’s right to say things without government intervention. Once, if ever, people understand this concept, this problem will no longer

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