Analysis Of The Telenovela Victoria

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The idea of telenovelas being only for women comes from an earlier time, in which men were the one who strictly worked while women stayed at home. This dynamic between men and women, that was established by society, resulted in telenovelas being dramatic, emotional, and romantic. In Loving with a Vengeance: Mass Produced Fantasies for Women by Tania Modleski it is stated that "soap operas [and their commercials] train women to become, like women in the home..." (Modleski 24) However, telenovelas are not only aimed at women. They do, however, receive the same message that women receive about how to perceive each other. According to Gabinete de Comunicación Estratégica (Office of Strategic Communications), which is in charge of surveys done …show more content…

The telenovela is about a woman whose days consist of taking care of her plants, managing the house, taking care of her children, and especially taking care of her husband. Victoria must also keep herself looking young and beautiful. In episode five, Victoria goes the beauty parlor and is mocked by person because she looks old and fat. The insecurities of women play an important role in this telenovela and it explains the decisions made by her husband later on. Her oldest daughter looks down on her for having decided to stay a housewife for the rest of her life. Her husband grows tired of their monotonous life and has an affair for two years. When Victoria finds out about the affair, her husband decides to leave her and moves in with his lover, who is twenty years younger than Victoria. Victoria 's mother and children blame her for the marriage 's rupture and do not allow her to find new love. In episode one of Victoria, Victoria goes to celebrate one of her friends, Camila, birthday. The main topic of discussion was that birthdays should not be celebrated because they are getting old, but it is a reality that they all fear. In the same episode, there is another character that helps show double standards in society. Camila is Victoria 's friend and is perceived as a whore because she is old, single, and likes younger men. While she is with her friends, Camila, begins to discuss how she is having intimacy with her doctor and personal trainer. Victoria and her other friend find the relations Camila has as outrageous and out of the norm, but they seem to ignore the fact that Camila is a single woman. Camila carries the stigma of being older and single with dignity, instead of feeling shame, she embraces her situation and acts more outrageous. This double standard goes back to the idea of the natural place of women that Richard

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